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subject: A Comparison Of Diy Teeth Whitening Vs In Dental Clinic [print this page]

Very few people are born with perfect teethVery few people are born with perfect teeth. Naturally yellowed enamel, irregular spacing, crookedness, and overbites are some problems that occur in the mouth. Thankfully, there are plenty of corrective products out in the market to make almost any smile cosmetically appealing. Here is a comparison of do-it-yourself teeth whitening vs in a dental clinic.

Whitening teeth is most likely the easiest and painless of corrections. There are many benefits to having a whiter smile. Gaining more attention, looking more attractive, and feeling more confident are points at the top of the list. Enamel can be discolored naturally, but it can be worsened by stains from beverages, food, and smoking. To whiten them, a peroxide bleach or solution must be applied.

There are a variety of at home DIY methods for bleaching. White strips are a popular choice. They are thin strips soaked in a peroxide solution that fold over the teeth. They are generically sized, so a smaller mouth may need to shorten the length or width. In a larger mouth, they may not reach the back molars, which are rarely seen when smiling anyway. Some results can be seen within a few days, but a few weeks are needed to reach full whitening potential.

Whitening toothpastes are also a plentiful resource. Some contain abrasive materials to scrape the stains from the enamel. These are not peroxide bleaches, so they are not as effective. They will make some difference though. Mouthwashes and now chewing gums are available with claims of making a smile whiter.

There is little debate that professional whitening will work better and last longer than DIY kits. But the difference in expense is hardly even comparable. Laser or "zoom" whitening is a procedure done in a dentist's office. It is the most expensive treatment, but delivers fast results. A concentrated bleach is applied and a halogen light is used to set the effect. It takes about an hour for a session, and most people will only require one to see a dramatic change.

Gel bleaching done professionally can happen in a dental office or at one's home. A mold of the teeth will be taken and custom trays will be made either way for a perfect fit. If in the office, strong gel bleach will be left to sit for 15 to 20 minutes. If done at home, the gel is slightly weaker but still more powerful than anything sold over the counter. This method is costly to produce the trays and will take a few weeks to reach full whiteness. But the trays should be able to be used indefinitely and the gel is a relatively low cost.

The ADA encourages anyone trying professional or DIY kits to have a check-up and be certain their mouth is healthy enough for bleaching. This process can make some mouth conditions worse and aggravate already damaged or sore gums. The most common side effects are an eventual return of the stained color and extra sensitivity to hot and cold. The sensitivity is usually temporary and will subside after treatments are complete.

Not being ashamed to flash a beautiful, bright smile is priceless for many. No matter which method is used, a good turn out is likely. Most products do take some time to work, but when they do look out! Get ready to show off those pearly whites.

by: Adriana Noton

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