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San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival

With the San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival quickly approaching on November 18 through the 22nd, travelers from all over the country are headed to the bay area. The festival will be held November 18th through the 22nd, and visitors will need a bay front San Diego hotel that will keep them close to the fun and excitement of the festival. Guests who stay at the Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa will be able to easily go back and forth to the festival so they will not have to miss a thing.

The Marriotts bay front San Diego resort is in close proximity to the festival. The location will allow travelers to visit the festivals cooking classes, wine tasting seminars, exhibits, wine dinners and celebrity chefs. They can easily leave their resort San Diego Bay to take part in the fun, and then go back to their room and relax.

The bay resort San Diego CA offers more than a great location. Those who stay at the Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa will enjoy waterfront views, luxurious bedding, onsite restaurants and spacious rooms. There is also an onsite spa so guests can receive relaxing treatments during their stay.

Those who want to stay in the best of the San Diego Bay resorts are encouraged to book their rooms at the Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa today. The Wine & Food Festival is quickly approaching, and a room at the Marriott will enhance the experience.

by: Jed Crowl

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