A tumor is any mass caused by abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells. Tumors in the brain are categorized according to several factors, including where they're located, the type of cells involved, and how quickly they're growing. They can be benign (noncancerous, meaning that they do not spread elsewhere or invade surrounding tissue) or malignant (cancerous). Cancerous brain tumors are further classified as either primary or secondary tumors. Primary tumors start in the brain, whereas secondary tumors spread to the brain from another site such as the breast or lung.
Benign Tumor
The term "benign" refers to a condition, tumor, or growth that is not cancerous. This means that it does not spread to other parts of the body or destroy nearby tissue. Benign tumors usually grow slowly. If a benign tumor is big enough, its size and weight can press on nearby blood vessels, nerves, or organs, or otherwise cause problems.
Types of Brain Tumor
1. Acoustic neurinoma : - Benign tumor occurring in the 8th cranial nerve (the acoustic nerve) between the pons and the cerebellum. Possibly associated with neurofibromatosis. The term "acoustic neuroma" is actually a misnomer since it this a primary intracranial tumor of the myelin forming cells called "Schwann cells" (schwannoma).
2. Astrocytomas : - represent the most common type of glioma. They develop from the supporting cells of the brain, which are star-shaped glial cells called astrocytes.
3. Oligodendroglioma : - These are tumours that are made up of cells known as oligodendrocytes, which produce the fatty covering of nerve cells: the myelin sheath. They are usually slower-growing than astrocytic tumours.
4.Germ cell tumor of the brain : - The tumor arises from a germ cell. Most germ cell tumors that arise in the brain occur in people younger than 30. The most common type of germ cell tumor of the brain is a germinoma.
Symptoms of Brain Tumor
The most common symptoms include headaches, which can be most severe in the morning; nausea or vomiting, which can be most severe in the morning; seizures or convulsions; difficulty thinking, speaking, or finding words; personality changes; weakness or loss of feeling in the arms or legs; loss of balance; abnormal eye movements or change in vision; confusion and disorientation; change in personality or memory. Different parts of the brain control different functions, so symptoms will vary depending on the tumor's location.
The treatment options of Brain Tumor are : -
* Tumor Surgery
* Chemotherapy
* Radiation Therapy
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