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Body Worlds Exhibit Stops In San Diego

If you are planning a family vacation to San Diego, you might want to stay at a San Diego convention center hotel. The Marriott convention hotel in San Diego is located within walking distance of many of the downtown attractions. This convention hotel in San Diego has a waterfront setting that makes its guests stay even more picture perfect.

During your vacation to San Diego, you might take a trip to the San Diego Natural History Museum. This museum provides programs that are timely, user-friendly, and relevant to the real-life needs of the diverse populations of the San Diego-Baja California region. The museum has a 300-seat, giant-screen theater with a Dolby 3D system. The Downing 3D Experience offers guests the latest in 3D technology using high-performance, eco-friendly glasses that are used repeatedly.

The San Diego Natural History Museum brings exciting and interesting exhibits to its headquarters. Some upcoming exhibits include the famous Body Worlds traveling exhibit.

Information on Body Worlds:

The Body World exhibits allow visitors to take an eye-opening journey through the inner workings of the human body. These exhibitions have received more than 26 million visitors. It is one of the world's most popular touring attractions.

Each Body Worlds exhibition contains approximately 25 full-body plastinates with expanded or selective organs shown in positions that enhance the role of certain systems. Inside of the glass display cases, real human organs and organ systems show various medical conditions.

Body Worlds & The BrainOur Three Pound Gem includes a special feature on the brain motivated by the latest results in neuroscience on brain development and function, brain disease and disorders, and brain performance and improvement.

by: Jed Crowl

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