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subject: Are You Attending Howl-o-scream At Bush Gardens Williamsburg? [print this page]

Are You Attending Howl-o-scream At Bush Gardens Williamsburg?

If you are planning a visit to Howl-o-Scream, you will need to find hotels near Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Va. This way, you can spend the night in Williamsburg after a long day at the theme park. A weekend getaway at a Busch Gardens Williamsburg hotel can be great fun for the whole family.

Here is a list of some of the Halloween fun attractions at Howl-O scream:

Scary attractions for adults and teens:

Bitten-This maze is set in Eastern Europe in the 1800s, and has the theme of vampires and the undead.

Catacombs- Here, you will go through a ruined cemetery leading to an underground city. This place marks the final resting place of those buried there. The dead will show themselves here.

Harvest Hollow-Lurking creatures are haunting this harvest. They need fresh victims, as the seed of blood is needed for their crops. Scarecrows, woods, and other nightmares may torment you.

The Watchers-Ghosts haunt this location and are among the rooftops of the village. They come flying out of trees with the purpose of luring you into the nightmare.

Family friendly fun:

Monster Stomp Revamped- Witches, skeletons, mummies, and other characters come out to play for the evening to the sounds of your Halloween favorites.

Halloween Musical Performance-This ten-minute show is great fun for all ages. Sesame Street characters such as Count von Count will appear in this show.

Movies of the Macabre-Black and white movies are shown on the big screen. You can dine while watching these movies.

by: Jed Crowl

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