subject: It Is Simple To Make Money With Mlm [print this page] Your distributor is standing at a cookout and a friend says, Hey! Your looking good! How does your distributor respond?
If you have trained them properly this friend may become a customer or even part of your downline. If you have not helped train the properly then your guess is as good as mine if anything will come of this conversation. That is the beauty of network marketing.
If you are anything like I am, once you are in this industry, you will get sick and tired of the get rich quick mentality that a lot of people try to sell on a daily basis. This is a great industry but like any business, it only works if you work it. You HAVE to follow basic principles if you want to make money.
Think about this, Acme Inc pays out 50% commissions, has an average order size of $100. For each distributor that makes $50,000 a month, there must be 1,000 people who purchase product and make 0 commission.
This is assuming all of the commission for these 1,000 people go to the leader, it doesn't, other distributors have to be paid. The leader will probably only get 10-20% of the commission. So a company will need 5,000-10,000 consumers to support each $50,000 leader.
In order to get all of these consumers you need to train your distributors on the basic skills of building a downline. I can hear you asking already, how do you do that?
Since the caveman days sales has been pretty much the same thing. You can dress it up however you would like but you have to remember KISS..keep it simple get the point. In direct sales this process there are three basic components:
1. The 5-second hook: You have to catch someone's attention enough to get them to stop and listen. Remember the Geico gecko commercial where he says "...cheers, how's your mum?" then he licks his eyeball...HILARIOUS, but he also asks a question. Ok so that example is out of left field but I bet because of it you will read more of this article to see what else I come up with. The point is, I got your attention and now I can give you more pertinent information on this subject. See how it works?
2. The 30-second pitch: So now you have them where you want them. You have their attention and you only have between 30 seconds - 2 minutes before you make your new friend want to stick bicycle spokes in their eyes. The trick is to pitch them without letting them know they are being pitched. You are only laying the groundwork so you can set up another meeting or phone call a few days down the road. You are not trying to close them then and there; you are only trying to figure out their interest or lack of interest in your opportunity. This is not an easy skill to master, it will take work.
3. Presentation and close: This is where a clear concise roadmap is laid out explaining the rational for the company. Now a distributor needs to be flexible. If you start your presentation and 5 minutes into the meeting you can see the prospect is interested and wants to join for the love of God, LET THEM! Just because you have 30 minutes planned out in your head doesn't mean you have to speak for the full time. This is another hard skill to realize, don't prevent yourself from making money because you are too excited to speak to a live prospect.
So how do distributors learn these basic skills of hook, pitch, presentation and close, they must get trained. These are not incredibly difficult skills, but people don't naturally have them either. They must be trained and practiced, companies need to have well thought out hooks and pitches that distributors can use. Because in the end this is a person to person business and when your distributor is standing next to a potential distributor or customer you need to have trained them on something to say.
by: Duncan Wierman
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