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subject: 3 Criteria To Follow When Buying Facial Moisturizers [print this page]

Isn't it strange to think that water from the tap can actually deprive our skin of its vital moisture and hydration levels? That, together with rather harsh soaps and or detergents can wreak havoc and cause the skin to become dry, cracked and sensitive. What should be our first criteria in buying facial moisturizers? There are 550 million buyers of facial cream and other skin care products in the European Union alone, so we are talking about a billion dollar industry here. The first criteria

That industry seems to be intent in lavishing money on advertising and giving us the least amount of information possible, as regards safety of ingredients and actual clinical trials on the effectiveness of the ingredients used. Our first criteria should be to find out a few basic facts and use our heads, rather than our glamour instincts before buying. I think the prime criteria should be an awareness that just because an ingredient is on the label, then it does not mean that it is there in sufficient quantity to do our skins any good. The second criteria

Second on our list in buying facial moisturizers is to find out if there are any ingredients in the product which will do the task of actually increasing the levels of hydration. Have you ever heard of Rigin which is a revolutionary substance which has been developed by a company in New Zealand? They actually use it in one of their hydrating masks and it has had dramatic results in replenishing hydration levels. There are details in the website below. The third criteria

Finally,in buying facial moisturizers we should avoid mineral oils at all costs as they can actually dry out the skin and that is the last thing you want in any facial cream. The other day, I picked up a facial cream at my local supermarket and was struck by the ubiquitous image of an aloe vera leaf with a drop of moisture on top. I thought, this might be an actual organic, natural product with natural plant oils. When I looked at the label, I found that there were a whole range of the forbidden ingredients such as parabens (methyparaben and byutylparaben) and mineral oils. The list of ingredients was long and seemed to be swamping the poor aloe vera. They seemed like weeds in a rather promising garden. Safe and effective ingredients. Facial moisturizers, if they are to be effective and safe should contain a large quantity of plant oils such as avocado. It is rich in vitamins A, D and E, beta-carotene, potassium and other powerful antioxidants. Studies done in Israel actually showed that this is effective in increasing levels of collagen which is constantly depleted as we age. Why not find out what the other ingredients are in this company's facial cream products?

3 Criteria To Follow When Buying Facial Moisturizers

By: William Colbert

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