subject: Things to Do if you Lose Michigan Health Insurance [print this page] Things to Do if you Lose Michigan Health Insurance
Given the tough economic times, you can now invest in Michigan health insurance with a fully functional attitude. In a situation where employers are cutting down on health benefits, people are reducing their insurance coverage. Although there are certain kinds of legislations that are being proposed for helping out all the people who have lost their Michigan health insurance, at times it is best to address the issue in the short term.
COBRA for the Downsized: In case you happen to be laid off, it is best to resort to COBRA the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. The plan is available for a period of up to 18 months after you have lost your employers' coverage. It is something that helps you to keep the Michigan health insurance policy or plan as long as it stays valid. In case your employer still operates business, offering to address the needs of their current employers, you ought to qualify. When compared to individual and private health insurance plans, COBRA is a better option.
Preventive Measures: If you do not have the right kind of health insurance policy in Michigan, you cannot lead a healthy or natural lifestyle. Using preventive methods such as controlling weight, eating a healthy diet, working out, lowering cholesterol and reducing stress levels go a long way in reducing the chances of getting involved in the qualms of health insurance policies. You may even get back to the regular check ups and cancer or diabetes screenings.
Ask your Physician for Assistance: You may ask if your doctor can provide you with reduced fees or the other drug or treatment options in you earn less or do not have health insurance. In that case, your physician may help you out by recommending health care discount coupons or cards which they receive.
Reduce your Stress: Stress can terribly affect your health and body. This is why, to get the best benefits out of your investment and for spending a lesser amount of money during treatment, you should go for regular exercise, a balanced diet as well as make use of techniques like breathing exercises and yoga to relax your body.
Don't Smoke: You should give up on smoking as this helps in getting approved for any health insurance plan in Michigan whether it is a private plan or a group policy. If you are not a habitual smoker, you can actually make do with a far lesser amount of premium as well as a low overall health hazard.
Apply for US Medicaid: Michigan has a local Medicaid office with a toll free number. All you need to do is visit the official web site of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services for checking out the application procedures. The requirements may vary between each state, although eligible persons within the low income bracket may be regarded as qualifying by Medicaid for making direct payments to their medical bills. There may be certain plans that may still require co payments to be made.
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