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subject: Oryx Farm – The endangered beauty [print this page]

Doha, the capital city of Qatar, has become a household name with the increasing amount of tourists landing there. The growth of seaports, airports and communication links contributed to the connections with the world in a commercial and cultural manner. The large amount of activities such as tours, safaris, sports, shopping and cultural venues have added to this cause. One of the distinctive activities in Doha is a visit to the Oryx Farm, located in Shahaniya, about 15 kilometers from Doha. Though the Middle Eastern countries are famed for their use of the camel, Oryx is the national animal of Qatar and is given very high regard. The Arabian Oryx is sort of antelope species and is the smallest of its kind. However it is becoming rapidly extinct and the Oryx Farm is there to protect the remaining animals from outside harm. The farm has the highest numbers of animals living in their natural habitation. Oryx Farm, together with the Equestrian Club has come up with a strategy to save these endangered animals. Currently the farm operates herds of these animals, help with their growth and facilitate breeding. This joined effort has helped save many animals from being poached around the world. Tourists and animal lovers from all over the world come to the Oryx Farm, to get a firsthand experience of the condition of these animals. The state of these animals has changed vastly since they have been gathered here under the protection of the Oryx Farm and the Equestrian Club. For any touring group there is information available in the form of paper and on video. Even the locals are always prepared to enlighten you with their knowledge, which at times can be more personal than the information available on site. It is a definitely a place worth visiting, as long as you have pre-booked a visit, as it does not encourage unannounced visits by the public. Most of the tours leave from Doha as it is the city that attracts all the tourists due to its splendor. If you are staying at a Doha hotel, then you can make arrangements with the hotel itself to find you a touring group to the Oryx Farm. An elegant hotel such as Millennium Hotel Doha gives you a touch of the old with the new and is the perfect place to experience the true Arabian hospitality.

Oryx Farm The endangered beauty

By: Naveen Marasinghe

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