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subject: Wearing Flip Flops Upon A Warm Summer Day [print this page]

Wearing Flip Flops Upon A Warm Summer Day

Their could be a time when your puppy had a hold of your flip flops until they were chewed up so much that you will not be able to wear them. In this case, it would be worse than wearing them out because now you have no choice but to go to the store and purchase a couple of pairs unless you have a couple extra you can wear in the meantime.

Wearing them to the beach would be perfect because you would not want to wear tennis shoes to the beach because then you have to take your socks and shoes off and then have to dump the sand out of your shoes. This is a good reason why you would want to wear sandal type shoes to the beach. Plus you can just slip them off and put them off to the side.

It maybe hard to get a new pair just because these are your favorites, and it may be hard for you to replace them. You have to remember that you need a good looking pair and not one that you would be seen walking down the street and having them fall apart. If that were to happen, then you would be walking down the street bare foot and holding your shoes in your hand.

You can probably tell when your puppy has had a hold of your shoes when you can't seem to find him anywhere and then you look behind the couch and find him chewing on your shoes. You may also notice when you're about to leave the house and you can not seem to find your shoes anywhere, or you may actually see your puppy take off with them.
Wearing Flip Flops Upon A Warm Summer Day

Depending on where you live, you can wear them in the spring, summer, fall, and maybe even part of the winter if you live down south where it's warm. It's up to you to see what kind of weather would be perfect to wear these shoes. It's easy for you to make bad judgements especially if you hate to wear tennis shoes and you would only wear them if you have to.

Even though if you explain to them that you're looking to buy new shoes, then they will understand especially if your shoes look pretty banged up and will give you the money. Any parent would be grateful enough to have their child buy something with their money that would be useful. As long as you keep doing that, they will learn to trust you more.

You can not decide that you will keep them as long as you're still able to wear them. If they look that bad that they're about to break any second, then now would be the perfect time to head to the store. If you're an adult and can afford it, then their should not be any reason why you would not want to get a new pair.

Wearing flip flops may make you feel like your feet are easier to breathe because you have nothing holding them in. It may stink to have to go without wearing them in the winter time but all you would have to do would be to wear cute shoes and then it should not bother you as much.

by: Laveta Grismer

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