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Green Building on a Budget
If you think going green is too costly to be done at your business, think again. Building green can be done in the same amount of time and at about the same cost as traditional building, but with a higher return on investment and with state and federal government tax incentives. In fact, the more money you save on your building budget, the "greener" your building is. The less a facility costs to build and maintain per square foot, the better.
Less money per square foot includes everything with regards to the actual construction of the building as well as the energy efficiency and maintenance costs associated with heating, cooling and ventilation, and also the amount of waste and emissions produced by the building.
Constructing a green facility starts with choosing the right land upon which the structure will be built. Smaller lots are usually priced significantly lower priced than large expansive lots, and choosing a lot with other open land around it will leave room for other houses or farmland. The lot you choose to build your new green facility should have adequate access to sunlight and wind, especially if you're looking to completely modernize your facility and use solar and/or wind energy to heat and power the building.
Orienting the building with its long side from east to west will give it better solar exposure, even during cold winter months, so you can enjoy the benefits of this free natural energy.
The design of the building should take into account the need to be environmentally friendly. By increasing the number of floors and utilizing the basement, you can build a thinner, higher building. As odd as this may sound, thinner and taller buildings are easier to heat and most efficiently use resources. It is important to not overbuild, however, as adding floors or rooms that are rarely or never used will just end up costing money to heat and cool. Larger homes and buildings aren't necessarily green even if they are constructed with environmentally friendly materials. The wasted space that is never used leaves an unnecessary carbon footprint.
Including a useable basement in the design of your home or facility will give you extra square footage as well as allow you to take advantage of the natural temperature of the earth. In the winter, it will be easier to heat from this constant natural temperature. In the summer, cooling the area will require far less energy.
Other ways to make a building greener include installing energy efficient windows and doors, as well as proper insulation. High efficiency appliances cost more money upfront, but you will quickly recoup that extra cost with the savings on energy bills. There are also numerous tax incentives for purchasing energy efficient appliances and building materials.
Green building can be done on a budget. Smart construction with environmentally friendly and efficient materials and appliances will result in a facility or home that saves money and leaves a small carbon footprint.
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