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subject: The Benefits Of Using Mineral Foundation [print this page]

Mineral based foundation and other cosmetics are all the rage and seem to be a trend that is bound to last and stay long. Whats great about mineral foundation is that it can be used on all skin tones and even skin types. Since these types of cosmetics do not contain any harsh chemicals or substances, even people with sensitive skin can use it.

Mineral cosmetics, especially foundations, are available in loose, pressed, and crme form. These cosmetics are made from finely crushed high-pigment materials which are totally pure. In contrast to the traditional makeup that are filled with chemicals, fragrances, dyes, among other additives, mineral cosmetics do not contain such ingredients that can block pores and damage your skin, making you more prone to breakouts and wrinkles.

What mineral cosmetics like mineral foundation does include are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, minerals that have been tested and proven to actually make your skin better with frequent and continuous use. These two minerals actually work great with sensitive skin, and even those which have acne or have been damaged. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are also minerals that have sunblock properties, which saves you more money because you would not need to buy a separate sunblock cream anymore.

With a low risk to allergy, mineral cosmetics are ideal for sensitive skin. They also do not clog skin pores and cause breakouts, and helps in absorbing excess oil off of the skin, leaving you with a fresh look that lasts all day. Mineral cosmetics are also oil-free, wax-free, silicone-free, and this is also anti-inflammatory. Since they are made from all-natural ingredients, mineral cosmetics are great for skin healing and soothing.

Another great thing about mineral cosmetics is the fact that you dont have to apply tons of the product in order to get great coverage. Mineral cosmetics give you a fresh, natural look without the heavy makeup, yet all the lines and blemishes still get covered. The mica in most mineral cosmetics actually helps in reflecting light so that fine lines, wrinkles, and other blemishes are less visible. It is a great way to achieve a flawless look without the use of too many cosmetics.

Yet another great thing about mineral powders and cosmetics is that they are very durable. Mineral cosmetics last long despite sweat, tears, and different weather conditions. Below are some great ways you can apply and play around with mineral cosmetics:

Mineral cosmetics become even better when applied with the right set of brushes. With the right kind of brushes, you can be sure that you are applying the cosmetics in the correct way.

For longer coverage, use a damp brush to apply mineral powder which makes it last longer.

Mix mineral powder with your favorite facial moisturizer. This creates a dewy and shimmery look.

For a matte look, absorb excess facial oil before you use loose mineral cosmetics. This ensures that the powder does not clump up on areas of your face which are the oiliest.

Please visit for more information.

by: After Glow

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