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Global City Directory
Global City Directory

Global City is emerging from the flames of a relentless economic depression as a financial oasis of business opportunity, but in the aftermath we see not only that strong ingenuity can thrust a city past the safety of survival and into the prosperity of growth. After the dust has finally settled, in addition to seeing a new financial player born, we also see that city find its identity as one that likes to have fun, perhaps a hybrid of Wall street meeting Bourbon Street is finally upon us. Global City works hard and Global City plays hard, both are glaringly obvious.

Global City, otherwise know as Fort Bonifacio, or to the locals simply as The Fort, is an evolving business and developmental explosion just a few miles from Manila on the outer harbor of Manila Bay in the Philippine Islands. This once small and humble looking town used to be a simple military base to guard this tropical Island Nation against invasion. Now it acts as a hub of foreign investment, domestic development, state of the art shopping centers, hi-tech hospitals, high rise luxury condominiums, and exotic yet modernized multi-storied super clubs.

Within the scope of a few years, southeast Asia not only has a leader in international cash flow, but they also have a new party capital that is taking traditional tourist attractions like Singapore to school and has Las Vegas wondering who stole her dress. The truth is that it didn't really happen overnight, but to world travelers who are used to Hong Kong, Macau, Bangkok, and Tokyo, this is much need addition to the itinerary.

Manila International is about an hour or so from Hong Kong, two hours from Taipei, and four hours from Tokyo. We now have a travel destination that is not only evolving by the hour, but is at the very crossroads of Asia. The condominiums are massive, often having their own shopping centers, bars, and restaurants inside! The landscape is surreal, as most living domiciles are placed directly in a tropical breeze which sweeps in from the Chinese sea that presents a majestic and breathtaking view of the sunset.

It is no wonder that the Global City Directory has been such a hit by offering Asia's first night life and business directory. Although the idea of mixing business with pleasure has always been taboo amongst the older generations, the younger class of business sharks and party professionals have merged the two genres of lifestyle to provide the fastest growing city in the Philippines, and the Global City Directory presented by Global City Nights has put forth a monumental effort to let the world know, there is a new player on the block.

Global City Directory

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