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subject: Gentle Connecticut Dentist & Cosmetic Dentistry Connecticut [print this page] Hello and Hello and Welcome. My name is John Buchanan and Im the founder of . If youre looking for information on how to choose the best Dentist in New Haven, youre in the right place.

Were trying to inform everyone in New Haven as much as possible about the dental industry and answer as many questions as possible, which is why weve gotten so much attention from the Internet and word of mouth.

Lets jump right into the next question, shall we?

Question: What the difference between whitening and bleaching?

According to the FDA, the term bleaching is permitted to be used only when the teeth can be whitened beyond their natural color. This applies strictly to products that contain bleach typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

The term whitening, on the other hand, refers to restoring a tooth's surface color by removing dirt and debris. So any product that cleans (like a toothpaste) is considered a whitener. Thats why it seems every toothpaste says brightens and whitens teeth. Naturally though, the term whitening sounds better than bleaching, so it is more frequently used even when describing products that contain bleach.

There are many types of whitening and bleaching available. They range from over the counter products that gradually whiten your teeth to professional grade bleaching products. So, if you just want to clean your teeth, a whitener will do. If you want whiter teeth, you need a bleaching product that may be labeled as whitens teeth. Also, be aware what the active ingredient is. If it contains bleach, then is a bleach that whitens.

It may sound a little confusing, but well get into more detail about the type of options you have to get whiter teeth, and how to keep them whiter.

More answers to your Dental questions and how to get the Best Dentist and finding the Best Dental Office in New Haven visit our website at today.

by: John Buchanan

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