Wart Removal Treatment-The Best Ways to Get Rid of Warts
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Wart Removal Treatment-The Best Ways to Get Rid of Warts
Wart removal treatment is no mystery. Because warts are an
embarrassing and touchy subject, we tend not to talk about them
openly. In this brief article I hope to dispel some of the fear
surrounding warts, and to talk briefly about the different
treatments available.
Warts are a very natural and common skin infection caused by the
HPV or human papillomavirus. HPV is found everywhere in the
human environment, and cannot be avoided. They are easily
spread from person to person, and can even be spread through
handling objects that have been handled by an already infected
That said, warts are harmless. No one ever died from a wart,
though they may have felt embarrassed and ashamed about it. The
HPV infection shows up as a small mark, often raised above the
skin, possibly rough in texture, and ranging in color from white
to a brownish hue. They may come in clusters as they tend to
spread over the skin, and can appear anywhere on the body, face,
genitals, or even the soles of the feet.
A word of warning: genital warts may be confused for a more
serious STD. For that reason, if you find wart-like symptoms on
your genital or anal region, please get prompt medical advice in
case it is something you really need to worry about.
There are a variety of treatments for warts. They range from
the medical to the DIY or do-it-yourself to the downright
quackish. Here are a few of the leading proven treatments.
Laser therapy is one of the most popular wart treatments around.
It is clean, relatively inexpensive, and can be done quickly in
your local doctor's clinic. Intense heat energy is used to burn
off the wart and some surrounding tissue, and has the effect of
killing off the virus. There is some small amount of pain
involved, and you may need a local anesthetic depending on the
length and intensity of treatment, as well as your own good
judgment and the advice of your practitioner.
Cryotherapy uses intense cold, normally from liquid nitrogen, to
freeze the wart and also kill the virus. The dead wart usually
hangs on for about a week and then falls off. There can be a
small amount of scarring, but most people are happy with the
result. Plantar warts, or warts on the soles of the feet, can
be easily treated with this method as scarring is not an issue
with this part of the body.
There are do-it-yourself cryotherapeutic kits you can buy to try
out at home. Some folks find them effective, some not. The
main problem with these is that the intense cold of liquid
nitrogen cannot be attained at home without special equipment.
Still, worth a try if you do not want to spend money right away.
One of the oldest and most effective home treatments is
salicylic acid. This has been around for a long, long time.
This acid can be bought in a weak solution at most drug stores.
The method is simple: apply drops of the acid to the affected
area. Bandage and keep clean, and repeat daily. The drawback
of this treatment is that your warts may not disappear for
several weeks. It will take some patience, but given how cheap
and simple it is, salicylic acid may be just what you need.
Finally, surgery may be recommended in really bad cases of
warts. This obviously will involve you in some expense and
trouble, so make this your last option. Excision surgery for
warts is done largely for cosmetic reasons, so your health
insurance plan is unlikely to cover the cost. Shop around
carefully for different practitioners, and look closely at the
different cost options.
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