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Global NPN
Global NPN

Global NPN or New Plan Network was launched in 2005 in Canada and is a company which is owned and run by Webshooter Multimedia. The primary owner of both Webshooter and NPN is Geoff Stephen who has been the creator of many successful websites and affiliate programs over the past 10 years. All of the products have been designed and developed in-house and include website hosting, mail marketing, auto responder, web audio, email sender, capture page and lots more. The products are a succession of ingenious and powerful tools that you can to use to promote the Global NPN opportunity as well as any other online business.

The compensation plan is billed as their unique "power of one" payplan and is designed to allow a member to start earning money by introducing just one new member per month. It costs $10.75 at the outset and there are 3 ways to earn money. These are namely, monthly sales bonuses on your own individual sales $5.00 to $150.00 (based on your upgrade level), monthly commissions on your downlines and monthly matching bonuses on your personal sales. Their ladder system allows you to upgrade to new levels as you move up the ladder, meaning you pay more per month but your commissions increase significantly.

So the bottom line is can you make money with Global NPN? As with all mlm businesses you have to understand marketing techniques and strategies in order to earn an income. You need to be able to motivate your downlines and you need to know how to generate targeted leads. If you have successful experience in marketing then you can succeed in most mlm businesses provided the product is good and the people at the top are experienced. In this instance the product is definitely very good and Geoff Stephen has a proven track record in his field.

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