subject: Simple Ways To Building Your List [print this page] If you you have good content on your website, you won't have a problem getting people to subscribe to your newsletter or free report. This is almost guaranteed to build your list.
These are the top 5 tips that I have found work every time for me, and they will for you too.
List Building Tip 1 - Add More Email Optin Boxes To Your Website
This is a no-brainer, but sadly few people make the most of it. If you have a 100 page website, you should have 100 newsletter subscribe boxes on your website.
How? Well you can integrate a subscribe box just about anywhere on a website or add a pop up window (still very effective.) What about just before an article starts, in the middle of an article or even at the end of the article?
List Building Tip 2 - Offer A Useful Hard To Resist Gift
This works well if the free offer is something that will help or be useful to the visitor. The best way is to create one yourself and not offer something you have reprint rights to with 500 other people.
You want it to be unique, and to complement your newsletters topics so you could adapt something from PLR or offer back issues of your newsletter.
List Building Tip 3 - Use Free Viral Ebooks To Get New Subscribers
A great way to get lots of new subscribers for your ezine without spending a penny on advertising is to create an ebook as a free product. Offer it to visitors to the site, or to other website owners in your niche with reprint rights to the product so they can sell your product while making 100% commission in the process.
I prefer the reprint right route because people are more likely to read and value a book they have paid for. It's important that you protect your product by ensuring your ebook is in pdf format so it can't be changed and that your details appear allt he way through it.
Find a group of publishers in your market, let them know you created a new ebook with a sales letter that they can use and plug straight into their website. Give them a mailing promotion to use and tell them they can have the book for free, and that they can either sell the book or give the book to their customers as a bonus.
List Building Tip 4 - Do Audio Interviews With Experts In Your Market
Audio interviews are a great idea to get more subscribers in non internet marketing circles. Interviewing experts over the phone and recording it will get your newsletter splashed all over the Internet.
Do you know how to find experts in any field almost instantly? Go to the top article directories, such as, and find the category related to the niche you are in.
Contact the most popular writers and get in touch to say you want to interview them as your subscribers would be really interested in their information.
Most will do this without charging you a penny for a good plug for their product or website and, once you have these interviews, tell all the publishers you've been in contact with from tip 3 that you have this great set of MP3 interviews you want to offer them for free to their lists.
Then you setup a page on your website with the download link to these mp3's and put a subscribe form near them for your newsletter. You will be surprised how many people will sign up after they listen to your interviews, but DO NOT make them sign up for your newsletter before they get do so - it only puts people off.
List Building Tip 5 - Archive Your Newsletter Copies On Your Website
Sometimes people are hesitant to give any sort of information away over the Internet, especially their email address even if what you are offering is free. But if you allow people to read your back issues without having to sign up for your newsletter, this will show them what type of content you write and will make them want to join.
Make sure you tell them on the website that newsletter subscribers get each issue a month before it is published on the website for non subscribers and if the information is especially time sensitive they will definitely want to subscribe.
The Last Word: I have used all these tips successfully on my own Internet sites, whether sales or membership and they are tried and tested. If you are serious about building your list then these tips are the ones to try first.
by: Neil Stafford
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