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Are You Considering Breast Surgery?

Cosmetic breast surgery gives individualized options for changing the size and shape of breasts says breast augmentation Las Vegas specialist. Surgical methods and breast implants technology have improved dramatically in recent years: breast augmentation is less invasive, with more options and better post-surgical results.

Women may choose to undergo breast enhancement surgery for various reasons. These personal reasons may vary from perceived under developed breasts or because of differences in the sizes of the breasts or from changes after pregnancy or breast feeding. Some women may be content with their breasts but just want them made fuller says breast implants Las Vegas specialist. There are various techniques and options to improve the appearance and contour the breasts. Breast enhancement is a rapidly growing area of cosmetic plastic surgery and includes several cosmetic breast procedures such as breast augmentation (breast enlargement), breast lift, breast reduction, revision breast augmentation and male breast reduction.

Women of any age who are in good physical and emotional health are good candidates for breast enhancement procedure. It should not, however, be performed in patients younger than 18 years unless there is severe asymmetry. If the breasts sag, augmentation should not be performed without some form of mastopexy (breast lift); otherwise, the outcome may actually worsen the appearance of your breasts, rather than achieving naturally full and rounded breasts says breast lift Las Vegas expert.

Who is a Candidate?
Are You Considering Breast Surgery?

* Women who want to increase the size or improve the shape and appearance of their breasts

* A person with breast asymmetry or congenital deformity of the chest

* Women with decreased breast size and loss of fullness after child bearing

* Women with a mild degree of sagging

The results of breast augmentation are visible immediately, although you will be somewhat swollen and your breast implants will appear higher than you might wish your final outcome to be says Las Vegas plastic surgeon. It may take six to eight weeks or more before breast implants settle to a final position. Breast augmentation with implants has the advantage of slowing the natural aging or sagging process of the breasts in some women. However, where implant size is excessive, sagging and aging of the breasts may actually be exaggerated. Some women find they need not wear a bra, and find new freedom and satisfaction in the way clothing fits and in new clothing options to enhance their figures.

by: Hayley Brown

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