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Fertility Difficulties, one miscarriage and now Pregnant and Scared - Some Words of Wisdom For You

Fertility Difficulties, one miscarriage and now Pregnant and Scared - Some Words of Wisdom For You

I have never had a regular menstrual cycle which, of course, makes getting pregnant difficult. I never worried about it to much as I always felt that if I was to have children I would. A couple of years ago I had a sudo-pregnancy. I say that because when I had my first prenatal visit, it was discovered that I had sac that measured 9 weeks, but there was no baby. I was more devastated than I thought I would be. I had to have a D&C which made me feel like I was killing something I should love, despite the fact that there was no baby. My brain kept irrationally telling me that maybe the doctor was wrong and there was a baby there and now I was killing it. I was really messed up more than most people realized at that point. That was about two years ago and I haven't been pregnant since...until now.

I just discovered that I am about six weeks pregnant and I am terrified. What if this pregnancy is like the last? What if there is no baby? What is wrong with me? What if there is a baby and I miscarry? Why can my sister who leads a much unhealthier life style than I do manage to have four beautiful healthy children and I can't get past 10 weeks with a pregnancy?

My fears and questions are irrational and don't have answers. I don't expect them. What will happen will happen I will do the best I can to make things go well and the rest is up to God, or fate, or nature, or whatever has control of these things.
Fertility Difficulties, one miscarriage and now Pregnant and Scared - Some Words of Wisdom For You

I guess what I'm really looking for is a vent and maybe a few helpful words. If you want to tell me that my questions are crazy and irrational that's fine I know they are, but remember that fear is irrational. We can't control what brings it on we can only control how we deal with it. Telling me not to worry is like telling the sun not to shine, but tho' it may not stop my worries it might make me feel a little better. Please be kind.

I'm so sorry. But congrats on your pregnancy! i had a miscarriage last year and now have a healthy happy 6 month old son.

You are completely justified in having concerns and questioning everything. I did too. Just relax and enjoy what you are going through. Don't stress yourself out. Everything will work out. I suggest you get into the doctor ASAP. My doctor's office refused to see me until i was 10 weeks pregnant in my second pregnancy. I called everyday as soon as i found out i was pregnant and told them i was worried and had to have an ultrasound ASAP. They fit me in as soon as they could. I suggest you just call your doctor and tell them your concerns.

If you are struggling to get pregnant, then I suggest you try out this very good natural infertility cure guide that has been helping thousands of women round the world teaching them some unique infertility cure tips and recommendations so they can enhance their chances of getting pregnant. The guide is called The Pregnancy Miracle guide.

Click here: The Pregnancy Miracle Guide by Lisa Olson, to read more about this natural infertility cure guide.

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