subject: Why Buy the Cow When You Can Get the Milk For Free? [print this page] Why Buy the Cow When You Can Get the Milk For Free?
Have you ever heard the statement why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free? What the heck does a cow have to do with men anyways? Let's explore the meaning of this statement as well as how it pertains to your life.
This statement is an analogy for relationships. Who would purchase a cow if they could get the milk for free? There would be no point to buy the cow because they are getting the full benefit of the cow without the expense. Your mother or Grandmother probably told you this statement to remind you not to give a man everything without first getting him to commit to you. A friend recently told me a story about a friend of hers. Her friend and his girlfriend had been together over thirteen years. They lived together and had one teenage son. Despite being together for many years they hadn't made a formal commitment to one another. One day this guy ran into an old girlfriend, they reconnected and felt that old spark again. He decided that he wanted to be with his old girlfriend, he left his common law wife and child and married his old sweet heart in a flash.
This story reminds me of another couple that you may have heard of. Los Angeles Laker Lamar Odom and "Keeping up with the Kardashians" Khloe Kardashian were recently married after a whirl wind courtship of less than thirty days. Did you know that Lamar Odom had a long term girlfriend that he had three children with and never married? Listen to what Liza Morales his former girlfriend had to say in the days prior to Lamar and Khloe's pending nuptials. "I'll never forget receiving that text. It simply read: 'Getting married soon - want the kids to meet my future wife.' she revealed. 'I've know Lamar for fifteen years and we had 3 children together and he was always a real commitment phobic, so finding out that he was marrying Khloe Kardashian so soon was a bombshell to say the least."
This is a sad but common story! If something like this happened to me you would probably have to bail me out of jail. I would be so mad at him and mad at myself for letting him waste my time. Now what can we learn from this sad story? We can learn not to invest our everything into a man that has not formally committed to us. I see so many women who are playing house instead of actually being married. Some of these women are not married but, they are doing everything as if they were. Some may even wish that the union was legalized but, for some reason their guy isn't ready to go the altar.The women I am talking about often cook, clean, pay the bills and raise their children. The problem with this situation is they are acting like the wife without getting the full benefits or title.
A woman I knew was ranting and raving to me a while back about how the bank wouldn't allow her to make a transaction with her boyfriend's account. She told the bankers that they were practically married, had children and lived together. The bank simply explained to her that she wasn't his wife and they were unable to let her access his account. She was outraged and couldn't believe the bank wouldn't let her access his account. Besides not having rights to his bank account, she could be denied rights to his pension, social security, life insurance, health insurance, etc. for that same reason. Plain and simple girlfriends do not have the same rights or benefits as wives do. If you don't have a desire to marry and cohabiting is your final destination then you don't need to read on, what I am saying doesn't apply to you.
If you desire to be a wife, then don't get trapped into playing at marriage. I have seen men promise women that they will marry them and never follow through. Even If he didn't promise you that he will marry you, you may think that living together is a natural progression into marriage. Nancy Wartik discusses this topic in her article entitled The Perils of playing house:
"Some evidence indicates that women have less control over the progress of the cohabiting relationship. She may assume they're on the road to marriage, but he may think they're just saving on rent and enjoying each other's company. Research by sociologist Susan Brown at Bowling Green State University in Ohio has shown there's a greater chance cohabiting couples will marry if the man wants to do so. The woman's feelings don't have as much influence, she found: "The guy has got to be on board. What the woman wants seems to be less pivotal"."
The point is living together before marriage may actually deter your chances of entering in a successful marriage. Your boyfriend or fianc may become comfortable with cohabiting and put the brakes on heading to the altar. He may glimpse into married life and realize it is not as glamorous as he thought it would be. Let's face it, if he gets the benefits of a wife without the risk that comes along with the marriage bond why would he ever get married? He doesn't have to worry about getting a painful divorce, paying alimony or locking it down for life. Ladies be careful when you "play house" because you might wind up always playing wife instead of actually being a wife.
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