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The 7 Mayor Principles I use in finding a Home Business

The 7 Mayor Principles I use in finding a Home Business

Hey, what a disaster this can be ...?

I have struggled with this for a few years. I have signed up with many programs who have failed me and ... yes, I have failed some of them too.

In my search for a legitimate money making online home business and job opportunities, I have come across sites and inserts and ads that wanted to convince me that their opportunity is the best and the only Home Based Business that I will ever need.

Well, I have joined some of them but failed. Some did not produce as they have promised and ...let me be honest ... with others I have failed because I did not produce.

Not all online home businesses will suit everyone. We all have a different taste when it comes to cars and that is Okay. I may be a Mercedes fan, but this does not make BMW a bad car. Some programs will suit you, others not. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

Therefore, I decided to lay down the 7 Mayor Principles for myself in my search for a home business. And I decided to share them here on the Net, because I believe it may help people and keep them from making the wrong decisions. Here they are ...

Find something you like which you believe you can do. Don't struggle with things you hate or despise. And believe in yourself, even if your computer skills are not the best. I started up with a program that guided me in everything to the smallest detail.

See if they offer you a complete Money Back Guarantee. Look for the trial period and what you must do to claim your money back. There are great Risk Free offers on the Net. But there are other good offers too that have no money back guarantees. It does not mean they are a fraud. They are selling you a product and they will tell you upfront there is no money back guarantee. Then you know how to decide.

Make sure you understand the business. What is it that they do. If they sell products, will you buy them? If they promote a concept, can you associate yourself with it? Study the claims they make and try to establish the validity thereof. Make sure about the costsis it a one time fee, or an ongoing fee and are there any further costs involved or is it free as they have promised?

Make sure about the legality of the program. Be careful for pyramids, gifting, chain letters etc. You don't want to be prosecuted for anything.

Work hard. Making money takes an effort. Don't believe that you can join a program for free and do nothing and get paid. They will tell you about Spillover and Spill under etc. It does happen, but no-one makes a success without an effort. Unless if you are born into a very rich family and doesn't have to work. There is only a handful of people like that. The rest of us must work. And by the way ...there are legitimate free programs that makes you money, but it still takes an effort.

Be teachable. If you are not, then stay away. You are wasting your money. If you are willing to learn and be taught, and work persistently and consistently, you will become successful and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Finally ... look for Scam Free Certifications and Consumer Ratings on the site. This will help you to determine the genuineness of the business. Check their address and their telephone numbers. Call them if you wish.

In the end ... the choice is yours and yours alone, and so is the decision. Make it wise and follow your dreams, and you will make it. I have an example for you that you may check out if you wish. "To find out more visit:" and it will take you to a site that tells you a little more about legitimate home businesses.

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