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Think Positively And Create Wealth

There is a belief out there, held by many of us, that people who are wealthy have become so by deceitful means. It's embedded in our psyche. Whether we like it or not, it's true to say that we don't tend to credit these people with hard work, tenacity, determination, acute business acumen, or just plain good luck. Do you recall as a child when you asked your parents for something, they'd sarcastically say things like:

Do you think we have a money tree in our garden? Or:

So when exactly did we come into money?

I don't know about you, but these responses certainly left me thinking that I should never expect to be wealthy, and that I should be grateful for whatever I have. Sad, isn't it!

But you know, it's true to say that if you can divorce yourself from this negative kind of thinking and start to visualize wealth and success for yourself, you will be well on the way to changing your life.

For this to happen, you must do this. First make yourself a visual reminder of whatever you wish to achieve. It's important that you really have a clear understanding of what you want to attract. Draw it. Cut it out of a magazine. Do whatever it takes. Then have your picture around you somewhere, openly displayed, so that you see and read and feel it every single day. See it displayed first, then, close your eyes, and visualize it. Make this your daily habit. Imagine just how you might feel when your turn around in fortune becomes an actuality. How will you feel? What difference will it make to your life and to that of others? And when you answer these questions, believe that it can and will happen.

The thing about all of this is that it's not magic. Money just doesn't appear from mid air by virtue of a magic wand. What happens is that you start to have belief in yourself, a belief about your innate ability, a belief that you can change, and in changing the way you see yourself, you can begin to have the requisite mindset of an achiever.

Wealth truly is out there - in the universe, and the universe responds to pictures - your pictures, the ones that you create. So once it is out there, respond and act as if it has happened. Feel that renewed self-esteem. Move in the right circles, with positive confident people. Visualization alone won't bring wealth to your doorstep, but your chance of increased wealth will increase exponentially if you action your beliefs in this manner.

Now, how are you going to action your belief? It's tricky. Perhaps you need to think about small incremental steps along the way. What might these be? How, for instance, will you use, your talents, to progress along your wealth route? What signs will tell you that change is occurring? What credit will you give yourself on your journey? What rewards will you be due?

So that you will be ever mindful of the journey that you are on, think about writing down some personal affirmations that might help you. When things become difficult you will be able to refer to these. Be assured there will be times of self doubt, so every time you think your confidence might be wavering, get your affirmation card out and read it. Read it over and over again until you really start to believe in yourself once more.

But you know, if you really want to short-circuit your way to wealth, there's a nice, easy way to begin your journey. Just try being happy all the time. Radiate happiness to your friends, your neighbours, to the universe. Dismiss any thoughts of negativity. It has no place on your journey. Forgive! Affirm! People will notice your renewed spirit, your joi de vivre. They will choose to be around you. To your success! ?

by: Maria Rattray

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