subject: How to Buy Foreclosures No Money [print this page] How to Buy Foreclosures No Money How to Buy Foreclosures No Money
How to buy foreclosures & buy low.
We'd be remiss if we chastised you because you're considering this. Because today's real estate market certainly looks to have really strong opportunities today.
I'm a realtor. Due to my background, there is info regarding foreclosure auctions that I feel I must impart prior to speaking about the program we offer.
Reo's are not what they used to be. With high interest, we're seeing quite a few fetching market price. No kidding. When you factor in repairs, you would be in better shape buying a listed property or through a builder with a spec house.
That's not the only issue to think about. Especially if you're looking at flipping or doing short sales. Listen up. Short sale tricks are not new to the market. In addition, mortgage companies are extremely careful. These guys don't fall for bs. No, you're not getting away with a hundred down. And no, you can't market the house at the same time you're pushing out the closing drop dead date.
Guess what, good luck procuring a same time settlemnt lawyer. Realtors won't work with you. Want to know why? This stems from that fact that most short sale guys lie about being able to close. They can't really close. Becoming involved in a bogus contract will deny an agent her licensing.
So now for the really really great news in this article. The program exhibits none of the heart ache inherently part of bank auction properties. Instead it just gets the user outrageous income stream. It isn't necessary to even buy any foreclosure. Foreclosures are used, but not like you'd think.
Here's the deal.
Foreclosures are an attempt by a mortgage company to collect a debt. Sometimes, the house sells for more than is need to satisfy the note. Do you know who gets the surplus funds?
If you're thinking the bank keeps it, you're wrong. The bank can't legally hold onto it.
The cash goes to either the local sheriff's department or to the clerk of the county clerk.
Of course, the rightful owner could be a 2nd mortgage holder, a judgment holder, or the previous owner. Doesn't matter who is entitled to the surplus. You can make a ton of money working with them.This is not a finder deal. Not even close. Tax sale proceeds are not what this is about either. The course maxes your income with mortgage excess proceeds and can also be used with tax overages. Yup, surplus funds from mortgage foreclosures. The course leads you by the hand, leaving no questions. We've seen people get ten times the money back on a single deal.
You don't need money, either. We'll stake you for deals.
Our only real competitor out there deals exclusively with tax foreclosure surplus. That program costs over $1500 and has a 60 day course and a 30 day money back guarantee. Their course is a 60 day course with a 30 day money back guarantee. Anybody else see the trick there? The course I'm talking about goes for under $300 and its guaranteed to be 100% correct. It will turn your life around...
To nab the course, click the link below.
How to Buy Foreclosures
{All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. KJV
Not only does inspiration from the Lord compensate for want of facts; it also induces men by self-discipline, to conform in their personal conduct and in their dealings one with another to the highest standards they know. In other words, it gives men the capacity which distinguishes wisdom from knowledge.
Marion G. Romney
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