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Dealing with a Knee Injury

Dealing with a Knee Injury
Dealing with a Knee Injury

Having a knee injury causes a lot of pain and discomfort. Knee bears a lot of the body weight. Hence, any kind of injury to the knee will directly affect the leg movements. Nevertheless, there is also a fact that knees are very prone to injury. Injury can happen any time, but mostly they happen while exerting too much, extreme physical movements and performing athletic or sports activities. Injury to the knee can occur in two kinds. It could be due to wear and tear either for a long period, or due to some kind of accident or extreme stress.

Acute or sudden injuries to the knee could happen due to an accident or a fall. Cartilage tear are from a sudden fall on your knees. This results in an injury to the knee joint. Mostly this happens during a sports event when there is a sudden blow to the knee. Such types of knee injuries include fracture, torn ligament or cartilage, sprain and ruptured tendon.

Dealing with a Knee Injury

Deterioration of the knee joint takes place through out life. You use knee joints extensively as they carry a lot of the body weight and assist in the overall leg and body movements. Knee injuries could result from sudden increase in the intensity of an activity or stress on the knee. Knee bursitis, tendonitis and muscle strain come under this kind of injury to the knee.

In case of an acute injury to the knee, there could be severe pain. This is more so because the blow is instant and sudden. A simple fall could prove to be fatal to the knee joint. When a person suffers from this kind of injury to the knee you could give first-aid by applying an ice pack over the knee immediately. This would give the patient a little relief from pain. The next step should be to take the person immediately to a doctor or hospital. The doctor will decide the future course of action. I know of a person who had a simple fall and she had to undergo a knee surgery for it. She went through severe pain and suffering. Moreover, it was all for a simple little fall!

When knees pain due to wear and tear, there could be a gradual rise in the pain. It could take months and years for the pain to get unbearable. The joint inflammation increases steadily and the knee injury worsens over duration of time. Even in this case, ice pack gives some relief. In addition, the patient must rest the knee.

Whatever the cause of the knee injury, the ice pack method works well. The other important thing is to keep the knee well rested. Due to the injury, you need to take care of the knee as it is under stress. It is important that no strenuous activities are conducted that could put unwanted pressure on the strained knee. It is extremely important you consult a doctor in both the cases. You should not take knee injuries lightly else they could worsen and make life very difficult and painful.

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