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South Korea To Drive Global Convenience Store Market

According to our latest report entitled "Global Convenience Store Market Analysis", the global convenience store industry has been growing rapidly along with rising consumer need for convenient shopping. Factors such as, rising disposable income, improving life-style patterns, and increasing urbanization have led to a sharp growth in the overall market. Both developed and emerging countries are witnessing a strong increase in the number of new convenience stores openings and the same trend is likely to continue in future also as private players are enlarging their presence globally.

Our report has found that the number of convenience stores has grown in a fast move in South Korea during the past few years. The number of services offered by convenience stores and positive change in the consumption patterns are contributing to the growth in the development of convenience stores, which reached to the mark of 14,800 at the end of 2009. Moreover, retail sales in convenience stores are expected to be worth Won 11.1 Trillion by 2012.

"Global Convenience Store Market Analysis" covers every important aspect of the global convenience store market. It provides overall market performance and consumer behavior developments in mature and emerging markets. Moreover, the report analyzes current market trends prevailing in key countries and their impact on the overall market. The key drivers of the industry have also been described.

The report is an outcome of an in-depth research and extensive analysis of the global convenience store market with insight in overall market across North America, Europe, and Asia. The report also investigates the roadblocks that may pose hindrance in the growth of convenience store market. The future projection in the report makes use of effective methods and techniques that justify the overall outlook. Overall, the report is likely to help clients in identifying future growth prospects and fast growing sectors in the global convenience store market.

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by: Shushmul Maheshwari

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