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subject: Laser Teeth Whitening Prices Explained [print this page]

One of the main questions on anyone's mind when it comes to laser teeth whitening is how much will my treatment cost? There are many answers to this one simple question and the reason for this is the surrounding factors:

Laser teeth whitening if carried out by a dentist can cost in the region of 400 and upwards although you will from time to time find some practices running special promotions and find an offer with a substantial discount, also if the dentist believes that you should follow-up with a home treatment you can expect to pay an even higher price.

A teeth whitening professional in Europe and the UK no longer need to be a dentist, so instead of forking out the usual high prices a dentist would normally charge, you can now get the same quality treatment done for a fraction of the price which could be anything from 150 to 300.

The company you use and the individual carrying out the treatment will determent the price you pay too, for example if you were to choose an establishment that just set up with little experience you'll most most likely pay a lot less.

The question you need to ask yourself is what counts more when choosing someone to carry out your laser teeth whitening treatment, experience or price? A good decision might be to select a price somewhere in between so you end up with a good deal, you don't end up paying to most expensive prices and you end up with someone with some experience behind them.

Ask plenty of questions, how long have they been in business, do the have any dental experience if they aren't dentist, ask to see proof of qualifications. And lastly ask if that will be the final price as what you will sometimes find is that depending on your circumstances you might need to have more than one treatment, therefore that final price will be more.

What type of results should you expect from laser teeth whitening

As with the majority of laser systems most are designed quite similar to each other and therefore tend to produce very similar results.

The result you achieve however will depend on how badly stained or discoloured your teeth were to start with, during your initial consultation your whitening technician should show you a shade chart and give you some idea of the results you could expect.

Most times after having a laser treatment done the results will be obvious and you should notice a considerable difference in the colour of your teeth, on the odd occasion more than one treatment will be needed in order to get the results you want, if this is the case a good technician will be able to tell you this before the treatment and quote the appropriate price.

by: Melanie

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