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Affiliate Marketing - Changing With Time

While affiliate marketing has been around for years, strategies and methods for success evolve.

In order to promote an online business it is important to connect with prospective customers on a variety of levels, and affiliate marketing helps you do this with great flexibility. One of its many benefits is the ability to promote products and/or services without having to create them yourself.

Another aspect of affiliate marketing that is so unique is that it can be used by startup businesses, to help them become large, successful companies.

While this revenue stream can be used to jump start a new business, it is also a very effective way for existing online businesses to revive outdated product lines. Being so versatile is what makes affiliate marketing so attractive.

Times Have Changed

Before the internet, only bricks and mortar businesses existed. Promoting products and/or services was a complicated process, one that could be very expensive, time-consuming, frustrating, and limited.

Nowadays these same businesses have been able to create an online presence, and millions of other businesses have been established solely as online entities. Affiliate marketing in both instances offers opportunity for businesses to promote and network, a really efficient model.

Recent studies report that affiliate marketing is now responsible for billions of dollars in revenue annually. Of all businesses that use this form of marketing, 95% find the cost savings to be the number one benefit. Having the ability to idenitfy a niche market and direct targeted marketing to that niche is how customer lists grown and sales increase.

No Start-Up Costs

To get involved with affiliate marketing, there are no startup costs, no expenses for television, magazine, or radio mediums, and no need to pay for banner or pay-per-click advertisements. Instead, a commission or incentive structure would be devised. With this, anytime your online business sells a product and/or service, you pay only commission.

With new technologies and bootstrap methods, reaching the right audiences and making sales has never been more efficient and effective. The evolution of technology has also made it possible to track and monitor traffic, increase customer conversion percentages, and manage the website with ease.

This type of marketing is so successful because of many older, more conventional strategies still being used but also, new methodologies have been developed that enhance internet presence, allowing long-term and trusted relationships to be established.

by: Janelle Elizabeth

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