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subject: Beautiful Sochi Is Host To The 2014 Olympics [print this page]

If you're planning to attend the Sochi 2014 Olympics, you are in for a real treat. Besides watching some incredible games throughout the Olympic event, you are going to be treated to one of the most beautiful cities that Russia has to offer.

First, a bit about Sochi: Sochi is a Russian resort city. It is located in Krasnodar Krai, which is just north of the Russian border on the southernmost tip. The city was built along the shores of the Black Sea and is bookended by the amazing snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus Mountains.

The city is long and narrow, spanning a full 145 kilometers, making it the longest city in Europe. The city is a relatively small one for an Olympic town since it has just over 300,000 residents, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have tremendous spirit and an amazing array of things to do.

The city is a splendid wonderland and is often referred to as the capital of the "Russian Riviera," recalling the splendid climate along the beautiful Black Sea. The city has palm trees and banana growing in abundance and hardly conforms to our more traditional image of Russia as being a place of bitter cold and blighted, boring looking buildings.

In fact, Sochi is one of the best places in the world to spend an extended vacation, even if you're not planning to see the Sochi Olympics 2014. There are countless beautiful beaches, which while not particularly wide are very long and welcoming to tourists with their sandy and pebbly entries into the sea.

While you visit the sea side resort, you can enjoy everything from scuba diving to water skiing and para-gliding. There are also a number of attractions in Sochi, including aqua parks where you can bring the kids so they can appreciate the beauty of the sea and fun fairs where you can just hang out, wiling the day away.

The city attracts visitors from all over Russia on a regular basis and is really a well kept secret from the rest of the world. It is virtually the only large Russian city to look more like a tropical resort rather than a winter wonderland. In addition to beauty of the nearby Caucasus Mountains, the city also boasts an amazing array of subtropical vegetation and gorgeous Stalin era architecture.

And if you don't want to visit for the Sochi 2014 Olympics, you can drop by during the summer when the city is host to an annual film festival called Kinotavr. Whenever you visit though, this is a city you not be likely to forget as the views and the attractions are simply breathtaking.

by: Richard Cunningham

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