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subject: Global Food Prices Soared, Food Crisis Will Erupt [print this page]

December 29, FAO warned that global food prices have risen to a dangerous level, wheat, corn and rice prices will soon surpass the warning line this year, June to November were up 26%, rising to the highest point since 2008. If governments do not intervene, the food crisis broke out in 2011 soon and may even lead to political crisis.

Control of oil speculation crackdown in India, onion crisis is fermentation. Inflation rate is calculated weekly; up 12.13% of the food inflation rate of India's economic growth is to put pressure on prices of the cheapest ingredients onions turn 5 times. In recent days, Indian people took to the Gucci outlet streets to protest against the soaring prices of basic foodstuffs such as onions, accused the government of doing nothing. To this end, were forced to the Indian government intends to intervene in food prices. Indian Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said it will provide 500 million tons through the welfare system, food grains help the poor and promised in the next 3 to 4 weeks to stabilize the prices of onions, specific measures include the indefinite ban export of onions and onion kind of product, encourage domestic businesses to import large quantities from abroad, onions and the fight against hoarding and other wholesalers.

"The New York Times" reported that food prices soaring, the world may be in the coming year within a "basket" crisis, which will lead to a major importer of food Philippines, Mexico, Pakistan and Nigeria pressures. 2011 global food crisis has occurred, first of all depends on short-term price of Governments effective intervention measures, and intervention must be to combat speculation based, if necessary, to learn Russian and Indian export ban; second is to stabilize oil prices. Oil prices will definitely increase Gucci sunglasses food production costs. Reuters survey forecast 2011 oil prices could rise to $ 84 a barrel, the U.S. is the world's second-largest corn exporter, if oil prices continue to rise, and oil-related agricultural products may rise 70%.

Foreign investment into China food market, according to "Market Watch" report, starting from March 2010, and demand exceeds supply in the context of the gradual rise in corn prices in China, and even green beans and garlic and other agricultural products step in the lead. First 7 months of 2010, Chinese corn imports rose by 56 times, the import volume of up to 282,000 tons. Northeast China's major corn producing temporary reserve price of corn continues to rise, while food processing enterprises, trading enterprises, trade enterprises and feed and breeding enterprise has staged rob food war. In response to this phenomenon, the United States and Argentina, speculators began to deploy in China.

"Bloomberg Business Week" had quoted the words of the International Food Policy analysts said the market may go the way of Chinese soybean corn mistakes. In 2008, China's soybean prices are soaring, foreign low-cost opportunity to genetically modified soybeans into the Chinese market, claiming China's soybean pricing. The latest statistics show that China's external dependence of soybean has been as high as 78%. Now, in addition to maize, the foreign seed industry groups began to bring cheap maize seeds have vied for the Chinese market, analysts fear that the U.S. will eventually be used to open the Chinese market of Gucci outlet GM maize. Penetration of foreign capital took the opportunity to accelerate the pace of China's agriculture, and if this situation continues, the stability of agricultural prices in China will certainly be affected.

by: Guccioutlet1

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