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subject: Ignou Burnish Globally [print this page]

The Indira Gandhi National Open Universitys (IGNOU) New Years vision is international recognition and presence to provide seamless access to sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill upgradation and training to all by using innovative technologies, methodologies and ensuring convergence of existing systems Prof VN Rajasekharan Pillai, VC, IGNOU, said recently.

With its mission to advance the frontiers of knowledge and promote its dissemination through sustainable Open and Distance Learning systems, the university shall strengthen the development of the national resource centre as a proactive role model for high-quality and learner centric open and distance learning system.

It shall strive to improve the standards of distance education in the country by sharing professional capabilities and resources, periodically assess and accredit the distance learning institutions to promote centers of excellence in the country, develop networks using emerging technologies and methods with global reach for effective programme delivery, provide flexible system of education, develop global collaboration and partnership and at last take education to the hitherto un reached by promoting community participation for local development through life-coping skills.

IGNOU believes in dynamism. It thus becomes important for it to maintain high academic standards in order to compete in the fast changing global environment of educational services. Currently, the overseas presence of the university is mainly confined to some regions of Asia and a few countries of Africa.

IGNOU has a wide network of study, work and programme centres, through which it reaches out to its students located in different parts of the country.

The demand for higher education in the country has grown enormously. Moreover, the higher education system caters only to about nine million learners. In the 11th Five Year Plan, the Government envisages increasing the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education to 15 per cent and distance education will certainly play a pivotal role in this task.

by: Admission Corner

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