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subject: Dentist 80920 - Colorado Springs Dentistry [print this page]

Ways to locate a Dentist 80920
Ways to locate a Dentist 80920

Americans today practice good dental hygiene compared to earlier decades, when many of us had lost their teeth by middle age. The advantages of good oral hygiene are wide ranging: the prevention of tooth loss to decay or periodontal disease, the treatment of bad breath, and few health concerns related to infections due to poor dental hygiene. People looking for a dentist 80920 area, Colorado Springs, CO, can choose the dental practice of Christopher Mussone, DDS.

Good oral hygiene today includes regular dental checkups and cleanings. Dentists recommend brushing and flossing daily to remove the plaque that accumulates daily. This helps prevent the formation of bacteria that causes cavities and periodontal disease. A dentist 80920 will offer adults regular professional cleanings that remove the built-up plaque in the areas that toothbrushes and flossing don't reach. It's important that children begin regular oral hygiene and dental visits when they reach the proper age. Baby teeth, which begin to come in when a child is about six to eight months old and stay with him until he's about six years old, are important as place holders for the permanent teeth and for biting and chewing as well as for speech and appearance. Therefore, a youngster should see a dentist right after his third birthday. An adult should brush a child's teeth twice a day starting when the child is a toddler, because the child doesn't have the manual dexterity to do it himself.

Additional services, that a dentist 80920 might provide, is going to be dental sealants, dentures, bridges, crowns, dental implants, and tooth extractions. Cosmetic dentistry has come such a long way that a person with stained, misshapen or chipped teeth can nevertheless have hopes of improving their smile. For example, tooth whitening is a popular treatment and can be done in your own home or in the dentist's office. Bonding can address the issues of an excessive amount of space in between the teeth, chipped teeth, broken teeth, or cracked teeth. When more than half of the biting surface has become damaged, inlays or overlays can help to repair the tooth. And, porcelain veneers can improve upon the appearance of teeth that have been permanently stained, misshapen, are slightly crooked, or have space in between them. So, in case you are ready to improve your smile, look for a dentist 80920. Dr. Christopher Mussone is one that is definitely worth considering.

by: jasn

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