subject: Get Focused...and Make More Money [print this page] Where are you wasting time and how to avoid this trap?
You first want to figure out WHERE you're spending your time day to day...keep a list! Write down everything you do for a week - EVERYTHING! And write down how much time you spent on it, if you could have done it in less time but weren't focused or didn't know how to accomplish a task and spent too long learning or trying, etc.
But truly BEFORE you do that step...hopefully you've stopped to think about how you really want your lifestyle to look? Most people haven't so don't feel bad if you haven't done this yet...but why not do it now?
- Think about how many hours you want to work each week and with whom do you want to work?
- Think about what kinds of services or products you want to deliver - do you like 1on1 services, group services or not talking to anyone personally at all for example?
- How much time do you want to spend with family, friends, traveling, giving back - you get the picture - outline your Ultimate Lifestyle Vision now!
Here are 6 steps you can take to ensure a little more structure and focus in your life.
1. Have a big picture vision for life and business - your Ultimate Lifestyle Dream
2. Have a practical yet 1-5 year plan - document what you want to accomplish, the big things, each year.
a. Do you want to write and publish a book, hold a big event, speak all over the country, add a new product line, add a new computer system, develop a new website, take on new employees or staff, expand into another city - what?
3. Have a 6-12 month strategy - develop a vision board possibly to outline your annual goals and intentions
a. Do you want to double your list, double your revenues, increase your membership by 50%, sell 1000 products, speak at 25 events, find the love of your life - what?
4. Have a 3 monthly implementation system (working ahead 3 mo as possible) - how will you accomplish all that needs to get done to reach your bigger goals?
a. Who will you delegate what to?
b. What systems do you need to install or subscribe to? c. What do you need to prewrite or prelaunch to be ready?
5. Have a somewhat scheduled yet flexible monthly calendar
a. What daily activities do YOU need to do and which should your team do?
b. What monthly activities or events do you need to be at, go to or review? (don't let appointments or clients take these spots)
c. Be open to focused and targeted opportunities that come up so you can add them
6. Have daily action steps - try to put only 3 things on your to do list each day (and not big huge things like 'write book' or 'develop new product' - break them down into smaller steps of one bigger task)
Now you may need help to get these outlined since not everyone is so detail oriented or big picture focused. Left brains may have an easier time at this than right brains for example so it's ok to ask for help. Because if you have a much clearer plan and some structure set up in your business; you'll be more likely to focus better each day, week and year on what really has to be done to get you to your next level in business or next revenue jump.
Now, let's talk about making more money....with your target market, the messages, hot buttons and call to action you're using in your marketing.
1. who wants what you've got?
2. why do they want what you've got?
3. what will make them buy what you've got?
4. what keywords and phrases will make them take action?
5. how can you write or talk to them in a way that makes sense to THEM?
6. how will you send/give them information so they will see it and respond?
I can't tell you how many small business owners and entrepreneurs I talk to weekly who don't get this! You don't get that EVERYTHING YOU DO in your marketing, promotions, planning and especially online have EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR TARGET MARKET. If you know this already, great.
So what does the headline say on your website (each page!)? What does your follow up direct mail piece say exactly? Hmmm, don't have one or both of these? No idea? Then you want to make some changes and quick! You're missing out on more sales, opportunities, referrals and more. Your copywriting whether it's on your website, your business cards, your flyers, ezines, mailers, letters, tweets, blog and even your 60 second commercial with in person the most important part of your marketing. And from my experience only about 10-15% of small business owners have any REAL TRAINING in copywriting, writing, sales writing, sales in general??? So, are you seriously doing this yourself? Well, no wonder you're not getting the results you want!?!? So, what can you do to create better marketing materials, websites, online and offline relationship marketing strategies?
You have to find out the single most important thing:
What matters most to your target (ideal) prospects when it comes to your products and services.
- What are their HOT BUTTONS?
- What makes them want to read your materials and website?
- What makes them want to ask questions or contact you?
- What makes them take action and signup for something or buy from you? This is what you need to know or go find out if you aren't sure. Then you can create copy, headlines, special offers, marketing and attention getting and action oriented promotions or materials that your ideal prospects will respond to and guess what? You'll make more sales!
Need help?
- Conduct an online survey?
- Pick up the phone and call your previous clients or current prospects and ask?
- Offer a free Q&A Teleclass
- Ask for help yourself to help figure this all out
by: Katrina Sawa
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