subject: OCD Treatment - Why Most of The Treatment Does Not Work? [print this page] OCD Treatment - Why Most of The Treatment Does Not Work?
Basically, most of psychotherapeutic techniques are workable for some psychological conditions, but not in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) treatment. Psychotherapy always lacks in presenting a targeted OCD treatment and in providing an accessible support network which provides solutions and explanation when the sufferer most needed them.
Psychotherapy have limited success and tends to happen over months, if not years, of regular sessions. It also take up precious time and are usually very costly.
On the other hand talking therapies are ineffective for OCD because the system allow the 'memory' of the OCD symptoms to stay conscious; techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT facilitate the production of anxiety and OCD, NOT recovery from them.
I always have been in agreement with the phrase 'what makes you feel good should be done'. However, although some alternative therapies like massage, relaxation, even hypnosis falls into that categories and can be useful in the treatment of OCD, do not be mistaken and believe that they can produce curative effect. They do not.
Naturally most OCD sufferers always want 'the miracle cure' solution; a 'quick fix' that needs minimal time or dedication. To be honest to you, there isn't one. OCD and anxiety attacks are complicated conditions which need very targeted treatments, which most alternative therapies simply do not offer.
So is there a targeted and permanent OCD treatment?
Yes, there is a fast, permanent and targeted treatment. Here how it works.
A specific research proved that the Amygdala, a small organ in the brain, is 100% responsible for storing and producing the anxiety reaction which causes the OCD symptoms. So, in order to treat OCD effectively is to address this tiny organ directly.
This real OCD treatment actually undermines the anxious reaction in your brain, eradicates it and brings you back to normal health very fast and permanently!
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