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Global Domains International Review - Is GDI a Legitimate Home Based Business?

Global Domains International or GDI is a domain registry service that owns exclusive rights to domains. domain operates just like or. net domain, and is growing more and more popular. Many people and businesses are starting to realize the difficulty associated with purchasing a domain name of their own. With the high demand and sheer number of domain names that are already owned and registered on the platform, we might start to see the rise popularity.

Global Domains International has merged with a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business opportunity to market and promote domains on a world wide scale.

The cost to get started with GDI is a monthly subscription fee of $10 per month. This cost will supply you with your own website, domain name, hosting, email addresses, and marketing tools. They advertise that the business will sell itself, and that there is no need for contact between you and prospective customers. This may prove to be beneficial to you if you are searching for a business opportunity, but do not want to participate in the sales aspect of your business.

The Global Domains International Compensation Plan. How does it work?

For every person that you bring into the business, you will receive a $1 per month commission. That may not sound like much on the surface, but their compensation plan gives you the ability to leverage the time and efforts of others by paying you that same $1 for each person that your downline brings in. This pay structure will pay you in this manner going 5 levels down. If you are able to bring in motivated individuals, this 5 level pay structure could be quite lucrative for you.

In my opinion, Global Domains International is not a scam. They are legitimate, and you can make money at this opportunity if you treat it as a business, and not a get rich quick scheme. The only word of caution that I might add is that domain has not reached a high level of popularity as of yet. Many individuals and businesses are only aware of domains. You might run into skepticism when you try to introduce a domain that is not familiar to many people. It could prove difficult to find a steady stream of customers until domain has the same popularity and reputation as the rest.

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Global Domains International Review - Is GDI a Legitimate Home Based Business?

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