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subject: Teach Yourself Hip Hop Using DVD's On The Market [print this page]

Teach Yourself Hip Hop Using DVD's On The Market

Teach Yourself Hip Hop Using DVD's On The Market

Today learning hip hop through DVDs is quite possible and easy if you really want to put in the time and energy. Hip hop is a dance that has no particular style but encompasses and is inspired many different styles of dance.This is why hip hop can often be learned through a DVD unlike a lot of other forms of dance. This is because of how informal this particular style of dance is. It is not like ballet which requires learning a strict set of rules which need to be perfected by years of devotion to the dance form. Watching a DVD and learning how to dance hip hop at home is how a lot of dancers prefer to learn hip hop. Dancing at home is often more comfortable than dancing in a studio or with a crowd. Many dancers who are just starting to dance are too nervous to dance in groups because they often feel like they aren't good enough yet to perform in front of others.This comes with experience and perfoming in front of others over a period of time. This nervousness can often make it harder to learn hip hop if you are too shy and feel uneasy when you are practicing. This is why many people prefer to learn how to dance through watching DVDs at home. This is also good for expert hip hop dancers too because many experts feel like they are good enough to dance without any coaching. They simply prefer to perform at home and dance by themselves perfecting their own individual style using DVD's to help them. It is also a good way to keep your hidden moves a secret from the public eye. Many people entering dance competitions prefer to practice at home and just watch instructional videos in order to keep their moves hidden from others in order to prevent other people from imitating their style until they are ready to go public with the routine. Remember Hip hop is all about creative dancing and coming up with your own moves, hence it can be very important to keep your moves a secret so that other people are unable to imitate or copy them before you are ready to perfom them. And that is what hip hop is all about- performing and showing off your moves. That is what you are aiming for.

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