Im, Seo, Sem, Smo, Lm, Some Free Important Tips For Site Se Friendly
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1.Topical Relevance of Inbound Links to Site
2.Topical Relationship of Linking Page
3.Link Popularity of Site in Topical Community
4.Site exhibit theme? Use many related terms? Have you used a keyword suggestion tool? A thesaurus?
5.Based on the Number and Quality of links to you Google link reporting continues to display just a SMALL fraction of your actual backlinks
6.Outgoing link Anchor Text
7.TRY FOR two clicks to any page - no page deeper than 4 clicks
8.Link should contain keywords. The filename "lin
9.Keyword in links to site pages (anchor text)
10.Can be important at top of page, in bold, in large font
11.Does word order in the page match word order in the query? Try to anticipate query, and match word order.
12.No single word should appear more than twice. If not, it may be considered spam. Google purportedly no longer uses this tag, but others do.
13.Shows theme - less than 10 words. Every word in this tag MUST appear somewhere in the body text. If not, it can be penalized for irrelevance
14.Shows theme - less than 200 chars. Google no longer "relies" upon this tag, but will often use it.
15.Keyword in Title tag - close to beginning Title tag 10 - 60 characters, no special characters.
16.Trustworthiness of the Domain Based on Link Distance from Trusted Domains
17.Keyword Use Anywhere in the Title Tag
18.Diversity of Link Sources
19.External Link Popularity
20.Keyword Focused Anchor Text from External Links
21.If you write or add to your site or blog ONE New Relevant POST or ONE PAGE daily you are going in the right Way as search Engine Prospectors
22.We Get More Traffic in your wEb Sites and Internet Marketing Services and SEO Off Page Optimization World, Blog and Article, Press release
23.The link command is certainly useful to track and measure a search engine optimization campaign
24.Make a Google sitemap and submit it to Google.
25.Subscribe your website to directories like, yahoo directory and other ones with a high page rank.
26.Off page optimization consists: * Title Selection * Description Preparation * Keyword Selection for Submission
27.Link popularity good relationship to 2 sites
28.Link popularity gives more traffic business come new visitors web site traffic and increases inbound links to your Web site
29.Search Engines have developed sophisticated algorithms key that rank web sites for their quality & sites back links
30.If you want more traffic your website use new services of off page optimization.
31.Link popularity is perfect key of reached SERPs and Page Rank
32.Incoming links from high-ranking pages and relevant sites.
33.CONTENT is the single most important thing for good results in Search Engine
by: M Kumar
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