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subject: Are You Promoting The Right Product To The Correct Prospects? Home Based Business Tip To Aid You Focus On The Most Profitable Market [print this page]

Are You Promoting The Right Product To The Correct Prospects? Home Based Business Tip To Aid You Focus On The Most Profitable Market

Are You Promoting The Right Product To The Correct Prospects? Home Based Business Tip To Aid You Focus On The Most Profitable Market

Given that you will be selling your business opportunity and your information product, how does your target market perceive the value that these two offer?

Below, I will give you a few resources to aid you find out the precise troubles your target market are facing. This research, if done right, can help you construct your offer to solve those troubles.

Amazon Marketplace

This is an amazing online marketplace, where you can conduct your research.

Find out what types of products are being promoted to your target market. What kinds of books are they purchasing, and of these, which ones are the best selling ones?

The books section gives you a clue of the books your target market buys the most, and what customers like and dislike about those books.

Observe the book reviews for individual books. These reviews are invaluable. They assist you in formulating your offer. Based on these reviews, you know what your target market are not getting from the products and/or services that are currently being sold.

Compare the books in similar categories on Amazon. Find out which books sell well.

Amazon also helps you to reveal the different types of people who may be interested in your offer. As an example, if you are involved in the wellbeing niche, from the books section on Amazon, you can tell that there are books doing well on the following subjects:

Healthy eating




Maternity Health

Healthy cooking

This information can go a long way in assisting you unearth other groups of people who may be interested in what you have to offer. From the information above, you can tell that there are different segments of people, with differing priorities, that you can advertise to.

As information products span to cover powerpoint presentations, video and audio presentations, you should also look at the magazines and DVDs within your niche. Do the same research for the DVDs and magazines, and discover what sells well and what your potential prospects like and dislike about these products.

Online Forums and Groups

In forums and groups, you get to meet people whose problems you can solve. Find out what your potential prospects are asking within these forums and groups. This helps you in formulating your offer based on your prospects' detailed needs.

Besides performing research, some forums also permit you to promote within them. This can give you a whole lot of exposure.

Plus, the more you visit these forums and groups and contribute, the more your target audience gets to know more about you.


This is a place you can visit, in order to check if your projected theme is of interest to people. If your topic is not covered here, it may not be such a profitable topic. Of course, you will need to do a lot more market research to verify or dispel this.

The lesson to take from this is that research is definitely crucial if you wish to sell the correct product to the right market.

Are you promoting to anyone and everyone, or are you marketing a product to someone who actually needs your product and/or service? Are you performing research for your network marketing products and/or services and business opportunity PRIOR to your marketing?

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