subject: The Secret Behind 107,037 Free Targeted Website Visitors? [print this page] I've generated more than 107,037 free targeted website visitors. What was my secret and how did I do it? Well, it's not hard. I have more websites that generate lots more. But in this short article I wanted to share some of the ways I go about recieving this kind of traffic without paying for it.
The first thing you have to understand is that you need to be somebody of value or potential value of your visitor. They will not visit your website unless you have something that they want. So if your site sucks, forget getting any visitors!
So what I'm saying is "content rules" basically. Just keep adding more valuable content to your website and you'll experience a flood of visitors automatically, because of the tell a friend viral factor. Some of my sites only get 1,500 or so visitors per month, so it's not a lot. I've got bigger sites that generate a lot more...
The way I go about promoting the site is by adding valuable content on leverage points online. These can be sites like an article directory where I place a detailed article, or it could be a video sharing site. Either way, I post content that appeals to the target audience and put a little Twist on it. That way it gets attention.
Like an idea could be to put something like "How to make money online with a shovel"... It's wierd and people might click out of curiosity, of course then you must lead them in the right direction as well.
Remember that your target audience is already out there looking for you, or have an interest in what you are sharing. So it's important to do some keyord research to get a grasp of what volume your audience might be. The higher the better, but only to a certain degree! You don't want too much competition, although competition is good.
Try to find keywords that are a little bit more "long-tail" so to speak, such as "puppy training books" instead of "dog training". That is a good example of a keyword that has a lot fewer searches, but would be easier to rank and target in search engines or using your content.
Create some content and leverage other sites, articles, video, web 2.0 and social media are great solutions. Even if you know what these are and have tried them, it's obvious that many fail in using these strategies correctly.
by: Christopher Stigson
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