subject: Part (3) A journey to make to get past St Peter at the gates [print this page] Part (3) A journey to make to get past St Peter at the gates
Introduction to part 3.:
Read all about it, Alf's back in town. So forget about your daughters, just lock up your computers instead and vacate to Hollywood.
Q: Why Hollywood?
A: Alf has been banned from going there after what he said about them. So you will be quite safe therefor a little while anyway.
The following translated manuscripts pasted by Stephen Gripes on other Public noticeboards. All rights reserved on Upstairs authority. License No: 1999. Issued from Upstairs not downstairs.
(I times D) plus square root of (M) times (LN plus CM) equals H. (extra Brownie points for Universities if you solve it before the Christmas Hols)
8) QUESTIONNAIRE TIME? (by Stephen Gripes)
Or is it the Anti-matter of the other Universe...ask Albert he knows?
Manuscript (1)
What is a Human Being?
The human being createsboth physically and mentally. The creative power of human thought, shakes other Worlds that Science would call Dimensions. We also shape the Afterlife spiritual planes of Creation and all that is in them. For those spiritual Worlds are created by the human being not God. These mentally constructed planes of Creation within the Afterlife, are the karmic construct of the created lived realities of Mankind imprinted in the spiritual fabric of Creation. Karmic influence that is a created product out of human cause & effect' sourced to the activity of our thoughts, deeds & creativity. Thus what human created reality we prescribe too & live on this Planet, is where our spiritual essence ends up when we pass on from physical to non-physical existence at death. Because what we have sown with our creativity, is what we reap in Natures interactive primordial intelligence and the Laws of Nature.
When the primordial negative & positive archetypal intelligence structuring life goes out of sync with the Laws of Nature, then the ordained spiritual evolution of life stagnates. That means mankind's Afterlife evolution also spirals out of sync with the self-referral Laws of Nature. Divine laws that are also responsible for gaining higher states of consciousness in life and at death. That malfunction, means mankind's ordained spiritual evolution has stagnated and has attracted premature entropy to its on-going evolution and re-birth cycle as a devolution result. The cause of this quantum located malfunction, is from accumulating human created destructive karmic influence. Cause & Effect karmic influence that contaminates Nature's primordial workings & usurps the function of the Laws of Nature responsible for order out of chaos' in both physical & spiritual Creation.
Clarification: This malfunction of Evolution, is from accumulating destructive karmic influence sourced to mankind's negative not-life supportive actions & creativity. It is destructive cause & effect' influence that stagnates spiritual evolution and is alien to the divine workings of Nature that sources life. A divine intelligence that underwrites the self-referral Laws of Nature and forms the status quo intelligence of this Creation When this human created usurpation of Nature's Laws reaches critical mass, premature entropy sets in within the interactive primordial workings of Nature that orchestrates life and its biology. This collapse of Natural Law, eventually causes that status quo intelligence of Creation to manifest and restore order out of chaos' to the primordial processes of evolution.
As a religious analogy, we could call this restoration of evolution Judgment Day or perhaps Armageddon in human understanding. In spiritual terms of understanding, we could call it a Cosmic authored re-birth cycle sourced to the status quo intelligence of this Creation. A cataclysmic upheaval of Nature that has been triggered by mankind's accumulating destructive activity, a karmic fate that has befallen other great Civilizations before ours. The Greek philosopher Plato, put this two & two together in his day and also gave the reasons in a dialogue about the fate of mythical Atlantis. No one has put two & two together since, except perhaps in the equally much translated and misunderstood Bible.
The accumulative karmic effect of this mankind created entropy in the workings of Nature, creates irrationality within the discriminating aspect of the thought process of human beings. Correspondingly, human judgment and logic is impaired and delusion becomes rife in the affairs of mankind. Disorder & irrationality sets in within the activity and expression of the accentuated negative human being. Bloodshed, disharmony, destructive behaviour, psychological disorder, sexual disorder, negative creativity, intolerance, polarization and ambivalence abound within a Societies expression, as is the current norm around the world. But not seen as such by those contaminated with its destructive karmic influence. In spiritual understanding, it means the negative archetypal intelligence of primordial Nature, has become dominant in the human beings expression, creativity and logic.
Premature entropy, in the form of the collapse of Societies positive values and loss of integrity and human dignity, is the unrealised devolution outcome from this negative cause & effect' karmic influence. When trapped in its destructive influence, it is not possible for the individual to realize the negative effect it has on its thought, actions, desires, deeds & creativity. It is contagious influence that retards the positive, but accelerates the negative in human Society. Those afflicted, become blind to the consequences of their actions, become blind to common sense and rational reasoning, become indifferent to wrong doing & positive values. In its place comes clever semantics, narcissism, ambivalence, divisiveness, procrastination, denial, endless argument that we call debate and chaos where once there was order.
Scientists in particular, should stop their blind experiments on everything on this Planet. Put them on hold until we have completed our verbal journey and understood in depth what is being explained. Then you will have truly saved the human species physically? This current indiscriminate blind science activity and its synthetic pollution is adding to the problem albeit unknowingly. Comprehend you do not know WHAT you are dealing with at this present point in time. You will do, it will become apparent if you temporarily down tools and correlate what is being explained as we progress along our fact-finding tour.
Religions should refer to their Scriptures to comprehend what is being explained. Then it is back to 21st century language from here on in, for a further spiritual understanding of those Scriptures. We live in the 21st century now and a different epoch of consciousness prevails in this century for mankind. Therefore we must discuss God, we must acknowledge God, we must understand God, we must teach our children about God from this more evolved level of consciousness. If you remain in the past, the Laws of Nature cannot help your Religion evolve further in this new epoch of consciousness. The means to acquire that spiritual structure of consciousness, is through the twice daily practice of Transcendental Meditation and the use of an intoned mantra.
Manuscript (2)
God! or the idea of God! comes from God! Because the idea of God is Creation.
About the uninvolved abstract silent Creator and words for thought and not denial.
Paradox: God is both Absolute and Relative and the uninvolved architect of Creation.
Paradox: The transcendent abstract intelligence of God is beyond Physical and Spiritual Creation yet, contains Physical and Spiritual Creation.
Paradox: The manifestation of God is Creation and the totality of existence, eternity and the cause of evolution.
Paradox: There is both a personal never-changing aspect of God and a ever-changing impersonal aspect of God.
Paradox: The transcendent personal never-changing aspect of God, is pure absolute abstract silence. As the activity and content of Creation, is the ever-changing impersonal manifested aspect of God .
Conclusion: God does not talk, only the creations of God talk. For examplehuman beings.
Conclusion: No human being can be said to speak for uninvolved transcendent God, only speak through the manifested active Divine spiritual intelligence of God.
Conclusion: That active personal intelligence of impersonal transcendent God is not Human, but Divine.
Conclusion: Therefore, the active Divine intelligence of God is not religious ideology, because that religious ideology is of the human beings creativity.
Conclusion: Therefore, no human created existing Religion has automatic entry to Divine intelligence or exclusive access to God.
Solution to finding God:
Comprehend that God is everything, including infinity. When we have fused the physical and the spiritual aspects of God through the consistent practice of transcendental meditation, then will we have become a spiritually evolved human being and where no more paradox or delusion exists. It is called enlightenment. It is also called self-referral spiritual consciousness or Cosmic consciousness, that finds fulfilment in a further evolved structure of consciousness called God consciousness. Because that acquired spiritual structure of consciousness, has a personal link with the self-referral Divine Laws of God. The spiritual transcendent domain of which, has been called the Veda' in the Sanskrit language of ancient India and the birthplace of spiritual enlightenment. We can also understand the Veda', as the nucleus of divine intelligence and the status quo spiritual intelligence of this Creation. So comprehend it is not God as such, but is from the pure creativity of the silent uninvolved abstract transcendent God. As is everything in Creation.
Comprehend this physical Creation, is underwritten by spiritual Creation and from where our physical Universe was bornthe big bang? The human being, with its evolving biological created physical intelligence, is currently trapped in physical Creation on the level of thought. The human being must leave that concept of thought and understand the concept of abstract silence. Fuse these two components (Absolute and Relative) through the long term practice of correct meditation, then we will eventually become free of that physical entrapment and move on with our spiritual evolution and its infinite possibilities. The never ending debate of God v no God and life after death finally solvedif we wish it to be. Because as human beings, we create our reality along with our destiny in Creationnot God
Thus are we the physical manifested spiritual seed of the eternal Creator as is everything that exists.
Manuscript (3)
Wisdom from the past.
A report to Boot Camp message from Alf. Location
To those lost in worshiping human beings to acquire their self-esteem and to those lost on the ego receiving end of its human worship to fuel their self-esteem. Know your inner silent temple to acquire that all important self-esteem, otherwise you will never get to heaven to collect your harp. That transcendent temple located at the source of thought, is the positive place to worship as the mature adult. For it is the centre of Creation and the temple of all temples in Creation. All have access to its transcendent unifying source of absolute intelligencethe Creator.
Thus start your spiritual journey out of that primordial ego entrapment of worshiping human beings and its now Media saturated contagious influence in Society. For as an adult, its delusion is retarding your spiritual evolution and preventing you from growing up. Comprehend worshiping human beings, has become a media & marketing genius sponsored delusion in Society for acquiring self-esteem out of identifying with celebrities. Celebrity worshiping neurosis that has nothing to do with respecting others or acquiring upstairs brownie points, dignity, maturity and self-respect. This now Media saturated influence, is creating psychological disorder in Society and retarding the spiritual development of our global Civilization.
About Hollywood & Co.
We are all actors upon the stage of life did not Shakespeare the noted playwright on human got it wrong' affairs say so? But some born gifted human beings are exceptionally good at acting, i.e. at attention seeking, pretence and superficiality called drama. Then immaturely showered with gongs and accolades and Media worshiped to create news, closet information and attention grabbing gutter headlines out of. To then also be paid vast amounts of money in the socially destructive devolution process. A obscene big business greed authored practice for others to see and puzzle over in our spiritless world of created inequality and worshiping winners & big bucks. A got it wrong' human created world that has become divorced from its spiritual roots out of worshiping all things monetary, human and dissolvable and nothing spiritual, absolute or lasting.
A got it wrong' world of unconscionable greed and the exploitation and manipulation of the un-gifted many by the born gifted few. A got it wrong' world of eulogizing mankind's pathological disorders as entertainment and worshiping those that act them out the best in Society. This ego sourced immature adult practice of worshiping winners and paying them vast amounts of money for their born gifts & talents, physical attributes, material accomplishments and acquired status, has no place in a mature Society. Only in a uncivilized narcissistic self-absorbed thoughtless one, that has fallen off the rails of spiritual evolution and is psychologically self-destructing in its Media fed delusion.
This growing delusion of worshiping winners & celebrities in Society to acquire & fuel self-esteem, is the culmination of human self-aggrandizement from the misuse of acquired power in the Media to grab the publics attention and big note themselves in the sycophantic process. This saturation of celebrity worship out of the Media, is unknowingly creating psychological disorder in Society and retarding its spiritual evolution. Comprehend this immature practice of worshiping gifted human beings and paying them vast amounts of money, is a psychological recipe for creating narcissism, over inflated ego disorder, megalomania & self-aggrandizement in those being worshiped. It is a human created practice that destroys the spiritual qualities of humility and dignity in Society. It is a got it wrong' human created ego practice that when entrenched in Society, becomes a karmic influence in the interactive primordial workings of Nature that devolves human consciousness. It becomes a contagious entity (life force) that usurps the Laws of Nature structuring order out of chaos' in human consciousness.
Comprehend the worshiping of human beings and not the Creator, fuels sycophancy, self-aggrandizement, self-importance, narcissism and delusion in Society. It is also the glaring sign of a spiritually decaying Civilization. Both Socrates & Plato of ancient Greece, came to understand this perpetuated human ego failing in human society, but could do nothing about its contagious karmic influence that grew to saturate the Greek civilization and corrupt it. We can do something about its recurring nemeses in our Civilization. The spiritual means to dissolve its human created delusion, is through the collective practice of Correct Meditation in Society. A practice that evolves human consciousness up the ladder of evolution and out of its acquired pathological disorders and delusion. Because the worshiping of human beings in society, does not compliment the Creator of life in any shape or form with its misplaced worship.
Comprehend that we all become spiritually debilitated by the euphoric karmic influence generated out of worshiping human beings. Those adults promoting its childhood delusion in Society to acquire self-esteem, self-importance & power, must grow up or be left behind in evolution. It is time to come out of its human created euphoric delusion and unwitting destruction of our spiritual evolution. From the aspect of Divine Nature and its status quo intelligencethat is currently restoring the equilibrium of this human trashed Universe, it will soon not be possible to change that devolution direction and its terminating conclusion in the departure lounge. Because the worshiping of human beings, is a spiritually self-destructing past the use-by-date ideology in the 21st Century. That only earns Darths delusional euphoric brownie points and not Upstairs eternal brownie points in the got it wrong affairs of mankind.
Thus out of positive structured logic and not negative structured logic out of the Media, once we know something is wrong, harmful and unproductive to our spiritual & social evolution, simply do not do it. Do something about it instead and grow up out of its immature ego-preening practice in Society to acquire self-esteem. The transcendent means have been given to dissolve its human created devolution karmic influence permanently and compliment life, the Creator and ourselves in the unifying process.
Manuscript (4)
Therefore, the unrealized power of thought, desire and intent from the creative processes of human thought in Nature's interactive primordial archetypal intelligence that orchestrates life.
At the spiritual located level of Creation where human thought manifests from, the reverberation from a physical thought is like the blow from a Woodcutters axe echoing within the silence of a great forest. That silence, is the abstract absolute intelligence of the Creator. Thus also know the spiritual as well as the physical value of trees on this living evolving Planet. For they, like everything else in Creation, are a seed manifestation of God's pure creativity. Because everything in existence, is from the creative seed of the diversifying never-changing absolute Creator, but in different individualised forms of self-perpetuating manifestation where life and its seed is concerned. The age old conundrum of whether the tree came before the seed resolved in that spiritual understanding. Because they are one and the same at their absolute source, as with everything in Creation. Only appearing differently as seed & tree, in the different stages of its physical evolution and self-regenerative cycle.
We must comprehend at the spiritual level of life, the creative seed of thought has power and influence beyond our present comprehension. Ask those mathematically dabbling in quantum physics for their interpretation of its no where but everywhere domain and multi-dimensional activity. That can vanish into nothing, or so it would seem from a physical perspective? Those that start their spiritual journey out of our human created mess on this Planet, will understand that incomplete Science knowledge in a different context than mathematics on the path of complete knowledge that we are on. Those that do not come, will not comprehend its significance or potential, consequently left far behind with their spiritual evolution.
As a physical reflection and creation of the Creator's pure creativity, human thought possesses the potential of the Creator to create with also. Thus we should understand, it is the human beings thought, desire and intent, that creates physical reality and the interpretation of that reality. It is human thought, that has created all ideology (created realities) that have been and will continue to be created and lived out of on this planet, not God. The human species also unknowingly creates the Afterlife spiritual planes of Creation ad-infinitum with their own unique creativity. They are a Negative or Positive cause & effect' karmic product from out of the created realities (ideologies) we all live. Therefore, from the creative seed of human thought and its regenerative fertility sourced to the Creator. They are transient worlds sown into the spiritual fabric of Creation out of human thoughts, deeds and actions.
Therefore, what we sow in this life with our cause & effect' karmic influence, is what we reap in those Negative or Positive planes of transitory existence and where our Spirit ends up at death. For we have created that plus or minus afterlife destiny while we are alive.nothing to do with uninvolved God. Did not Jesus say so in the language of his time at the end of his life? He went to create his spiritual Heaven for others and verbally said as such. Just as enlightened Mohammed did for others when he passed on from physical to non-physical existence at death.
Further to the misunderstood and often misinterpreted Koran and Bible.
Killing, maiming, destroying, murdering, conquering, subjugating, intimidating, manipulating and exploiting other human beings in the name of God, means those responsible and those inciting it, have no connection to God. Understand categorically, absolutely and definitively, they are under the inherited influence of destructive karma linked to a human created entity. Entities that evolve out of a lived ideology and the creative seed of human thought. Thus avoid like the plague those inciting & perpetuating this religious mayhem out of the past in the present. Do not give them power or status of any description in Society and no access to our vulnerable children under the delusion of religious instruction. No matter how gifted, eloquent, articulate, educated, charismatic or brilliant they may be.
Understand uninvolved abstract silent God, has nothing to do with killing. Only the karmic unbalanced and deluded negative accentuated human being. That has lost intuitive connection with the self-referral Laws of Nature structuring order out of chaos in Creation. It is also time to understand the karmic inherited pathological disorder of megalomania. Sourced to the immature human ego and acquired power in Societyand definitely not sourced to divine power or God. A human perpetuated nemesis (megalomania), that is also behind this centuries old religious fanaticism & killing in the name of God to own the religious status quo in the world. Consult our history books for further unequivocal confirmation?
Comprehend the human created spiritual planes of transitory afterlife existence, can be positive or they can be negative in the context of furthering our spiritual evolution at physical re-birth. Because we inherit the Negative and Positive karma of past lives to either support our on-going spiritual evolution or retard our evolution to higher states of consciousness while we are alive. Their also comes a ten thousand year Divinely authored spiritual re-birth cycle, to deal with continuously born negative accentuated human beings that have become permanently lost to evolution. In that solar cycle, positive human spiritual essence automatically evolves further, but the Negative accentuated human spirit is removed from the system of life for eternity.
So understand as human beings, we have conscious freewill to choose the direction of our personal evolution, thus our afterlife destiny also. That unique conscious freewill, is the Creator's gift to the human being to evolve itself up the ladder of spiritual evolution through its own actions. Thus we create and choose our Destiny no one else. Thus let it always be positive and in accordance with evolution and in harmony with others on this shared Planet. The means to create that universal harmony has been given. It is the same means for a Negative born human being (a lost soul) to come out of its inherited destructive karma and evolve further or be dissolved. Because that Divinely orchestrated regenerative cycle has arrived in our solar system. Therefore on this life sustaining shared Planet that we call Earth.
This concludes manuscripts 1 - 4.
To be continued..
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