subject: There are a wide variety of teeth whitening treatments available [print this page] There are a wide variety of teeth whitening treatments available
Teeth whitening systems are now more advanced than ever, and it is now possible to for a treatment to take place in around the time it takes to have an hour's lunch break. There are a wide variety of teeth whitening treatments available now, using the latest technology and posing no real threat to the patient's health, oral or otherwise. However, many years ago this was not necessarily the case. Ancient Egyptians favoured pumice stone, which was ground down into a powder intended to clean the teeth. This is an ingredient which is still used (In small amounts) in some whitening toothpastes to this day. Romans believed that, aside from the usual routine of picking one's teeth following a meal, that urine was beneficial in order to keep teeth white. In old barber's shops, there was the option of whitening teeth using a corrosive acid. This often did more harm than good, eroding the enamel and exacerbating the problem of tooth decay.
There are some traditional methods of teeth whitening Glasgow which continue to be used today, from baking soda and peroxide solutions, to lemon juice and vinegar, but they all have varying degrees of success and can be messy. There is now a range of teeth whitening methods available including natural bleaching, laser bleaching, bleaching gels, bleaching pens, bleaching strips and teeth whitening.
There are many home teeth whitening Glasgow kits available on the market, but results can vary, depending on the severity of the tooth discolour and the effectiveness of the product. Tooth whitening strips do not take into account the fine ridges on the surface of a tooth, which means that when the strips are peeled off, this can give a "stripy" appearance. "Paint-on" kits can also produce fairly irregular results, as saliva in the mouth can wash away some of the whitening fluid, leaving teeth looking patchy.
Professional teeth whitening, meaning the processes which are carried out by certified dental technicians and cosmetic dentists, became popular during the nineties, but often involved lengthy periods spent in the dentist's chair. Now, teeth whitening treatments are still expensive but they are quicker and some would argue more effective.
Zoom teeth whitening is one such technique. The treatment takes little over an hour and involves a whitening gel which is applied to the teeth before a zoom heat lamp is shone on the area. The heat from the lamp activates a chemical process in the gel, which contains a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, to whiten and brighten the teeth.
Laser teeth whitening Glasgowinvolves the use of an argon laser and a specific gel similar to the one used in the zoom teeth whitening process. This particular gel contains crystals which are activated when the laser is shone on them, giving the teeth an instantly shinier and whiter appearance.
These treatments, although largely effective, can be subject to some overuse by people and do tend to be rather expensive, with zoom treatments costing from around 200 and laser teeth whitening costing as much as 13,000. Some would argue that in this case prevention is better than cure and the key to whiter teeth could be as simple as good dental hygiene and the avoidance of smoking as well as staining foods and drinks.
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