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subject: Review on Gryphon Abrasive Miter Glass Saw [print this page]

Review on Gryphon Abrasive Miter Glass Saw

The Gryphon Abrasive Miter Saws are noted best for working with multipe materials such as metals, coppers, brass, and stained glasses for sure. It is a uniquely designed saw because of its ability to cut different types of materials, if you are concern about quality this glass saw is also made for quality to stand for its multi-material cutting. If you think you will be working with multiple materials, there's nothing else perfect but the Gryphon Abrasive stained glass saw. The blade of every glass saw is an important list to check, the blade of the Gryphon Abrasive is designed to produce smooth and fine cutting. it would surely pass the standard of strict artists.

The vital statistics of the Gryphon Abrasive support its cutting quality. If you have seen its abrasive wheel you may find it similar to the chop saw in woodworking that cuts in an amazing speed. The RPM of the Gryphon Abrasive is 7000 RPM which is really impressive. The machine is designed with an adjustable stop gauge to safely put your material in the right place, straight against the fence of the work surface. Other stat to mention is the size of the saw it measures 15 and 1/4 inches wide, 13 and a half deep and 9 inches high.

Gryphon Abrasive is famous of its Miter base, including the engine and blade housing made of sturdy industrialized plastic. The machine offers the user smooth cutting without damaging your material. It is also designed to prevent residue build up that are a common problem among stained glass saw machines.

This machine is convenient enough for switching it on and off because the switch is found facing the user. So while you are holding other materials you can put it on or off with just a one hand stroke.

The Gryphon Abrasive Glass is offered at a fair price that ranges from $225 up to $230. Not so bad for an artist looking for a long term relationship with a stained glass saw. If you compare it to older glass saw machines, it gives the artist twice more speed, quality and usability.

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