subject: Fibromyalgia Treatment [print this page] Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that produces widespread muscle pain, disturbed sleep, and exhaustion. Pain felt by a person with this affliction is a lot more intense than someone who does not have it. This is because of a malfunction in the nervous system, wherein pain impulses are transmitted to the brain three times higher than normal.
Fibromyalgia occurs in people of all ages, even children. For reasons still unknown, 80% of those who get it are women. The symptoms and severity of fibromyalgia vary from one person to another. Other common symptoms are headaches, poor digestive system and improper bowel movement, painful menstrual period, cognitive and memory problems, weakness, and sensitivity to loud noises or bright lights.
The causes of fibromyalgia are unclear, but several factors have been associated to the development of this syndrome, such as physical and emotional stress, lack of deep sleep, or a faulty nervous system. It is a chronic condition, thus it could last a long time, or even a lifetime. It is however, not a progressive disease. As such, it is not fatal and will not cause damage to the joints, muscles, and organs. Fibromyalgia, at its worse, could weaken a person to the point that even basic tasks such as walking would be difficult to do.
Although there is still no definite cure to this condition, several methods have already been developed to help alleviate the effects of this disorder. A combination of medications, non-drug therapies, and self-help techniques is probably the most effective way in treating fibromyalgia. Medications prescribed by the doctors are usually aimed at reducing pain, fatigue, and improving sleep.
Non-drug therapy is another option in seeking treatment, as too much intake of medicines may result to adverse side effects and could also be addictive. Since muscle pain is one of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia, this method would provide relief and ease the discomfort brought about by this medical condition.
Self-help strategies have recently been developed to alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Regular exercise is a good way to keep your muscles in good condition. It also reduces the discomfort you feel, as well as boosts your energy and helps normalize your sleep.
Eating healthy fruits and vegetables, and maintaining a proper diet would also do a lot in helping your body heal itself, and will strengthen your immune system, so that you would avoid other health problems that your body may become susceptible to.
Fibromyalgia is a complicated syndrome that would change the course of your life. You might feel that some point that life is no longer worth living, but your condition could improve depending on your determination to get up and pick up the pieces. Living a full and happy life is still possible, you just need be optimistic and look for the proper treatment that would help you win your battle against the dreaded disease known as fibromyalgia.
by: Becky99
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