subject: The Weaving Of Native American Baskets [print this page] The Weaving Of Native American Baskets The Weaving Of Native American Baskets
Historically, Native American baskets were used by Indians to carry or store their belongings. Many American Indians were at least semi nomadic. In order to more efficiently move their possessions from one spot to another, baskets were often used. Even sedentary tribes made use of baskets to store and protect their food and valued items. Native American baskets were, and are, made out of a wide variety of materials. The artists used available materials such as pine needles, birch bark, willow wood, and river cane to make baskets.Far from being a forgotten art, Native American basket weaving is alive and well today. Indian artists use their own creativity to produce beautiful works of woven art while keeping to design tradition. Although originally basically functional, the baskets were always made with an eye for beauty. The very shapes are soothing to behold. Native American baskets are usually created with a decorative woven pattern. These patterns are often indicative of a certain tribe or region of the country.Indian basket weavers generally use one of several techniques to make baskets. Coiling is one of the most commonly used techniques in basket making. Coiling is often used to make baskets out of pine needles or grass. As the artist works, designs can be integrated into the basket, making it a unique and special item. The Indians of the southwest have used the wicker method of basket making. Both Sumac and Willow switches are generally the materials of choice when making wicker baskets. Besides the baskets themselves, wicker plaques are made for use in ceremonies. These basket plaques are bright and cheerful, featuring many traditional designs. No matter the size of basket, they are stunning to behold. And, as time has gone by, new ideas and innovations have been incorporated into traditional methods. This has expanded the variety of baskets available. Many of these baskerts are small enough to fit into your hand, while others are large enough to hold items such as fire wood. The size of most baskets will fall between those extremes, however.When decorating in a rustic or southwestern style, a Native American basket will definitely add a decorative touch. A beautiful woven or coiled basket, made by a skilled Indian artisan, will be a valued addition to any room. Dramatic displays can be created not only with baskets, but with basket plaques. These plaques can be used as a visual focal point on a wall, much like paintings might be used. The tradition and culture of Native Americans can be brought into any home with the baskets made by skilled Indian men and women. What better way to enliven your home decorating than with a product of Native American imagination and skill.
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