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subject: The Club, King's Cross, Sydney - Review [print this page]

The Club, King's Cross, Sydney - Review
The Club, King's Cross, Sydney - Review

Looking to escape the typical house music scene, but still want to be amongst the hip and happening? Look no further than The Club, the hangout fast becoming the hot spot to see and be seen in The Cross. Descending on the smoker's club as you enter, it's easy to see why; beautiful people are everywhere you turn, and you might even see a few local celebs. Continue inside and you suddenly feel like you've just walked into an old school house party, where old favourites like Ja Rule and Mariah Carey are played on high rotation.

Decked out with plush sofas and mismatched shabby chic interiors, The Club is a single man's playground; beautiful girls are dancing the night away either on the large open dance floor or up on the elevated podium equipped with poles for the truly daring. Pulling in a massive crowd each and every weekend, there is no particular patron here. As long as you have a couple of gal pals with you, and as long as the bouncers aren't feeling particularly picky, everybody is for the most part welcome. But with such a mix of revellers, be prepared for a slightly pretentious atmosphere. It can start to feel a little claustrophobic inside and escaping outside isn't much better; it's shoulder to shoulder, which is almost a shame because with the cute little table and chairs it could have that great little garden party feel.

Service behind the bar is quick and efficient, but prices are steeper than your average club, though to that end the "house" spirits are higher end than your average too. Can't decide what you feel like drinking? Let one of the (very cute) bartenders whip you up something wild. Just be sure the bartender knows you aren't buying for the pretty girl standing next to you (unless of course you are) because be warned they will try to get away with it!

It's a great place to host a party, with a private booth tucked in behind the DJ. In here there's space to dance with your loved ones, and there's couches and a table too. You can look out and see what's going on beyond your private party or you can close the swanky curtains and hide away.

If you're looking for a club that offers something different, you'll find it in The Club. Whether or not it's your scene, it should certainly be on your list of places to visit in Sydney at least once.

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