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subject: Is The Wela Opportunity A Legitimate Way To Make Money? [print this page]

Is The Wela Opportunity A Legitimate Way To Make Money?

Lately Wela has gained a lot of popularity and people are starting to take notice of this company. Wela claims to have created a" franchise-like" opportunity that is going to be well balanced for making everybody money. This a very attractive idea for both beginners and seasoned networkers.

If everybody is able to make money in an opportunity, it will benefit the whole organization with higher retention rates. The other thing that is pretty unique to the Wela opportunity, is the fact that the start up costs are very low. It only cost you 50 dollars to get started and 50 dollars a month auto-ship after that.

Wela is trying to get a piece of the home based business pie. Each week 175,000 Americans join a home based business opportunity. Wela is trying to make it very easy for the average person to join, and make some money along the way.

The Wela opportunity is based on internet marketing, (which I find to be smart) because there are more than 300,000 people globally that are joining a home based business every week. Wela is going to be in prime position to attract people from all over the globe.

If you decide to join the Wela opportunity, then there is one thing that you should focus on exclusively. The one thing that you need to know how to do is get traffic to your Wela system. Wela has even gone as far as setting up an entire marketing system for each of it's members.

You will have an auto-responder campaign, lead capture pages, and a company website that actually converts. The only thing you have to know how to do is get traffic to the websites. Actually, Wela offers to get traffic for you at a price.

Honestly, the people who are going to take full advantage of this opportunity are going to be those people who know how to drive traffic online. I have looked at the prices that Wela offers traffic for, and I can get traffic for half, or even a third of the price.

Overall, I would say that this company has some amazing potential. It has a low enough entry price that almost anyone could join, and you can market the business to anyone in the world. The key will be your ability to market the business online.

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