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The Little App Factory Review & Coupon Code is offering a great coupon code that will get you a huge discount. As of right now, you can get a whopping 25 percent off when you use the coupon code link below and then use the code at checkout.

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The Little App Factory Review:

The Little App Factory is a versatile program that allows you to convert the songs in your IPhone or IPod into a format that can be stored in the hard drive of your Mac or PC. TLAC, as it is called for short, does a better job of doing that than any other DVD ripper I have tried before. Mostly.

The transfer time is faster and the chances for error are nil - at least in my case. I have been using the first version of this program to build up my collection of classical music on my Mac. If The Little App Factory were less than adequate for this task, the results would have revealed themselves in the quality of the recordings on my computer. As it is, they are perfect.

The Little App Factory does not only transfer music from I-gadget to computer, but it can also create organized libraries of all your albums. TLAF has a module called Tagalicious which can always recover information about the performing artists and other pieces of data that you may have neglected to acquire when you downloaded the music. I have been able to create 5 libraries of classical music with this module. It was able to regain artist information for anonymous recordings that I made two years ago.

The Little App Factory also enables the user to create his own customized ring tones. I have made several of my own based on classical melodies and have delighted many of my friends with them. And the with new version of The Little App Factory up and coming, if not already out, I expect to be able to do lots more with my music.

Check out The Little App Factory today and get 25 percent off your order by following the steps below:

First, you MUST Click Here to Activate Your Coupons

Second, enter "THANKYOU25" for 25 percent off everything

Enter "DARINGFIVE2010" at check for 25 percent off RipIt

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