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subject: Reviewing The File Backup Solutions Offered By Sugar Sync [print this page]

This article will be carefully evaluating the services provided at the SugarSync Online Backup trial website. In today's world of modern computing, the average PC user has many digital files to store and hard drives tend to fill up quickly. This is why such services are growing vastly in popularity. Like most services, there are some unique qualities to this one.

A lot of web companies that are selling backup or storage services are created to be utilized by business owners. Many businesses have an awful lot of digital files that need storing and a lot of them are willing to pay a lot for such services. This is one of those services that have been targeted at the household or even personal level user. This is why its prices are cost effective when compared to some of the others.

There is a really unique feature that causes this service to stand apart from some of the rest and this would be its approach to file sharing. People who find themselves storing digital photographs can share them on face book with the click of a mouse. There is another option that allows people to easily share such files through the means of email.

There are four types of main plans that are being sold by this service as of this time. The amount of space that can be bought ranges from thirty all the way to two hundred and fifty gigs. Keep in mind that the most common way that people pay for each service is monthly however buying an entire year worth of service at once will typically result in a few months worth of savings.

Customer service is a very important thing for clients who are making use of a service like this one. This is because most people using such online backup have very important files that are being stored. The first stop at this site is the knowledge database and it is likely to answer even tough questions. If not, it leads directly to live customer service correspondents.

Those who are placing files anywhere nowadays expect their files to be auto synced with all of the devices that are in their home network. This includes not only personal computers but also smart phones and palm held devices. This service can be auto synced just as easily as any flash drive can. A lot of people take such a feature for granted but it's presence is very important.

There are people who are willing to try such a service out yet are not very comfortable with having to buy the first month first. This is why most of these websites offer some free way to try them out for no cost whatsoever. This website offers an entire thirty days (during which the client can rack up 30 gigs) for no cost at all. This is a superior trial offer to many other companies.

by: Ben Pate

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