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subject: The Parker Sonnet Fountain Pen Review [print this page]

The Parker pen company has been around for over 120 years. Mixing a combination of new technology, innovation, style and a certain perception of quality and verve has kept Parker in business and successful during nearly a century and a quarter since they have started making pens. The Parker Sonnet fountain pen is the culmination of this work and no doubt will be viewed as a classic among classic fountain pens.

What exactly does Parker do to earn this high level of respect and customer loyalty? The answer is in several places and not necessarily where one would expect to find them.

One of the perks to a Parker is simply in the customizable nature of the pen. Parker makes sure that their customers preferences are met at every turn starting with the nib which includes stainless steel nibs to solid gold nibs.

For those who prefer a softer touch the solid gold nib is really the way to go. Its pricier, but for those with an eye for detail will notice your pen right off and would no doubt not fail to take note of your pen. For those with a heavier hand its recommended you go with a stainless or gold plated nib. These write harder but are more utilitarian and provide a much more durable utensil.

Customizable shafts are another part of the Parker secret to success. While they currently offer 11 different styles of pen shaft, each one is decidedly Parker and goes a long ways towards showing that you are a member of an exclusive club- nearly a secret society. Parker fountain pen enthusiasts dont advertise it on t-shirts, but they do recognize another user when they see the pen come out. New Parker owners are surprised to find themselves in pen conversations all the time.

Another, and probably one of the most important aspects of the Parker Sonnet fountain pen series is the opportunity for becoming an heirloom. These pens are built to last and like so many other heirlooms of the bygone eras, they have an intrinsic value to them that harkens back to the days of pocket watches and cameos.

The Parker Sonnet series carries on that type of style and tradition while utilizing the newest technology in mechanics and metallurgy. Parker Sonnet fountain pens do all of these things and provide a stable, dependable and elegant writing instrument.

by: Bruce Dillon

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