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Thrashers need investors, buyer

Thrashers need investors, buyer
Thrashers need investors, buyer

The search continues for new investors or a buyer for the Atlanta Thrashers, but team president Don Waddell believes the NHL will not allow the team to be moved to Canada. At least not in the short-term.

"I don't believe Gary Bettman's going to allow someone to come in and buy it and move it," Waddell told ESPN Monday at the NHL's Board of Governors meetings, where to buy Discount NHL Jerseys? maybe ujersy is a good choice, .

Thrashers need investors, buyer

"The league's not going to allow it to happen," he predicted.

That's not to say the team's future in Atlanta is assured. It's not.

The team's attendance continues to sit near the bottom of the league, and current ownership has been embroiled in a lengthy internal legal battle between different factions within the original group that bought the team.

Atlanta Spirit, the owners of the NHL team, the NBA's Atlanta Hawks and Philips Arena, have been candid about looking for additional investors and/or a buyer for the hockey team.

It's believed the Thrashers could be purchased for a bargain basement price -- say somewhere in the $125 million neighborhood -- if a prospective owner was willing to keep the team in Atlanta.

The team's future has been a hot topic of discussion in recent weeks for a number of reasons.

With the sale of the Phoenix Coyotes to Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer expected to be completed before the end of the month, the possibility that the Coyotes would be relocated to Winnipeg now appears dead.

With an ownership group in place in Winnipeg, the popular rumor has Canadian billionaire David Thomson buying the Thrashers and moving them to Winnipeg.

There is also the Quebec City angle, as there is an ownership group that has expressed interest in buying a team and bringing the NHL back to that market.

There has been discussion among various levels of government about helping to fund the building of a new arena, but until such a facility becomes a reality the NHL won't be returning to Quebec, if you want to buy Boston BruinsJerseys, go to ujersy.

Still, that won't stop the rumors from swirling that the Thrashers could be on the move.

Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly recently discussed the Atlanta situation in an interview on a Winnipeg radio station and suggested that at some point the Atlanta market has to respond to the team.

He clarified his remarks Monday saying nothing is imminent. But he also repeated his warning that at some point if a market can't succeed steps have to be taken.

"I don't think there's anything we've ever said that would be inconsistent with the concept of trying to be successful in the markets we're in over an extended period of time, giving them every opportunity to be successful," Daly said.

In the event they can't succeed, "for whatever reason, obviously you look at other alternatives and relocation is ...

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