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How to Buy a Power Supply

How to Buy a Power Supply
How to Buy a Power Supply

Owning a personal power supply means taking control of your life, at least as far as energy use is concerned. Normally reserved for municipalities, large corporations and countries, power supplies are open to purchase by anyone who has the space and money to buy them. Finding the right power supply for you is a simple matter of knowing what to look for and preparing to become Mr. Moneybags.

Define your personal power needs by checking out your last few power bills. Try to stay calm as you view the amount due on each bill, and take solace in the fact that soon you will cut ties with the local power company.

Consider buying used to save on the exorbitant costs of building from scratch. Power plants built along waterways or within a dam will save you money, as the resource to create power is already nearby. Inspect the plant carefully and never assume the used power plant salesperson has told you everything. Consider buying the extended warranty at a reasonable price.

Look for a location that has housing or space to build a home on the property. Saving money by only needing a short run of power cables makes sense, and rumors of glowing families associated with proximity to large power supplies are greatly exaggerated.

Stay away from nuclear power plants because of the additional government regulations required to operate the plant. Additional security is also required to identify any alien threat from other worldly visitors looking for a quick fill up.

Sell any excess power by connecting to the area's power grid. Collect the dividends and revel in the fact that you have now become part of the money hungry power collective.

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